10 Best Countries for Entrepreneurship

As a privately-owned Canadian call centre, entrepreneurship in something we are great supporters of and are keenly interested to see how Canada ranks in this area amongst G20 countries. Previously I’ve explored how Canada ranks on the world stage in posts like the best country to livesmartest countries, the happiest countries, the  most peaceful countries, the most sustainable countries, the friendliest countries, the most charitable countries, the most prosperous countries, the best countries for quality of life, the best countries for business, the top countries for life expectancy, the best countries for working women, the best country for world travel & tourism, the best countries for human development, the top countries for Clean Capitalism, the best country for child well-being, the best countries from social progress, the best countries for higher education, the most popular countries, the least corrupt countries, the best countries for paid vacation daysthe countries with the best reputation, the best countries for global professionals, the best countries for ease of doing business, the best countries for starting a business, the best country for business, the best country for customer satisfaction, the most gay positive country and the best countries with the most competitive economies. Today, we’ll be adding the 10 best countries for entrepreneurship to this list based on the G20 Entrepreneurship Barometer 2013 published by EY.

“Boosting entrepreneurship is one of the most powerful things policymakers can do to support the economy.” Maria Pinelli – Global Vice Chair, Strategic Growth Markets, EY

EY is a “global leader in assurance, tax, transactions and advisory services.” The EY G20 Entrepreneurship Barometer 2013 scores the countries based on five pillars of entrepreneurship: access to funding, entrepreneurship culture, tax and regulation, education and training and coordinated support. This helps to assess the relative strength of each country. “The model is composed of qualitative information (from [a] survey of more than 1,500 entrepreneurs) and quantitative data based upon entrepreneurial conditions across the G20 economies.” Based on this research, the 10 best countries for entrepreneurship are:

  1. Australia – Australia received its highest score of 2nd place in education and training.10-best-countries-for-entrepreneurship
  2. Canada – Canada’s highest score was 2nd in the categories tax and regulation.
  3. South Korea – South Korea received its highest score of 2nd in entrepreneurship culture.
  4. United Kingdom – The UK’s highest score was 2nd place in access to funding
  5. United States – The US received its highest scores with 1st place finishes in access to funding and entrepreneurship culture.
  6. EU – The EU’s highest score was 5th place in education and training.
  7. France – France’s best score was 1st place in education and training.
  8. Germany – Germany’s highest score was a three-way tie, as it ranked 7th in entrepreneurship culture, tax and regulation, and education and training.
  9. Japan – Japan received its highest score, 4th place, in entrepreneurship culture.
  10. South Africa – South Africa’s highest score was 5th place in tax and regulation.

About Canada, Colleen McMorrow, EY Partner and Leader, Canadian Entrepreneur Of The Year Program said, “there’s an emphasis on research and innovation in this country, and we value the role of entrepreneurs in job creation. Canada also offers a supportive tax and regulatory environment for entrepreneurs. All these factors are combining to really promote the growth of entrepreneurs and entrepreneurship from coast to coast.

In a time when economies are still struggling to recover, the positive picture painted by this barometer is an encouraging indicator moving forward but “there are still huge areas where G20 countries need to take urgent action to improve support for their entrepreneurs.



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Miratel Solutions is a Canada call centreeBusiness, and letter shop mail house specializing in professional fundraising services including telephone fundraisingonline fundraisinglottery servicesdonation cagingdonation processing and other donor management services. We are committed to our CSR business values and advancing the missions of the non-profits we proudly serve.

13 responses to “10 Best Countries for Entrepreneurship”

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  13. Geoffry says:

    I like the way you have depicted entrepreneurship ,and some of the countries coming on tops for it !

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