10 Top Corporate Citizens in Canada According to 50 Best Report

CSR business values and just being a good corporate citizen is important to Miratel and because of this we like to showcase others who share our outlook. This is a topic we’ve previously explored in posts like the best Corporate Citizens in Canada, the Top Organizations for Employee Engagement, the Greenest Canadian Employers, the Top Diversity Employers in Canada, the Top Canadian CSR Business List, the Canada’s Top Employers for 2013,  the top Canadian boards according to gender representation, the Top Canadian Boards According to Visible Minority and Aboriginal Representation, the  top countries for Clean Capitalism, the Green Business Leaders for 2013, the 10 Green Business Leaders, the B Corp Best for the World List, the top foreign corporate citizens in Canada, the most reputable companies, the most visible companies with the best reputation, the top 10 North American retailers for Carbon Productivity, the best green global retailers, the 10 most sustainable Canadian companies, the 10 Most Sustainable Companies, the 10 Most Sustainable Countries, the 10 best corporate citizens and the 12 most sustainable business. Today we’ll be looking at the top 10 top companies from Corporate Knights (CK)’s 2014 50 Best Corporate Citizens in Canada list.

CK “is a media, research and financial products company focused on quantifying and animating clean capitalism drivers for decision makers.” CK defines Clean Capitalism as “an economic system in which prices incorporate social, economic and ecological benefits and costs, and actors know the full impacts of their marketplace actions.” Corporate Knights Capital is a “source for objective, data-driven ‘clean capitalism’ ratings for over 2000 companies globally.” When producing the short list for this ranking they looked at “all Canadian companies with revenues of at least $2 billion and 2,000 employees in 2012.” They were then evaluated based on 12 key performance indicators (KPIs): energy productivity, carbon productivity, water productivity, waste productivity, percentage tax paid, leadership diversity, clean capitalism pay link, CEO-to-average worker pay link, safety performance, innovation capacity, employee turnover and pension fund status. Based on this data collected, the 10 top companies from CK’s 2014 50 Best Corporate Citizens in Canada are:

  1. Mountain Equipment Co-op: Industry: Consumer Durables & Apparel. Score: 71.63%10-top-CSR-business-canadian-corporate-citizens-2014
  2. Vancouver City Savings Credit Union: Industry: Banks. Score: 69.85%
  3. Bombardier: Industry: Capital Goods. Score: 62.97%
  4. Tim Hortons: Industry: Consumer Services. Score: 62.74%
  5. Mouvement des Caisses Desjardins: Industry: Banks. Score: 58.51%
  6. Teck Resources: Industry: Materials. Score: 58.36%
  7. Co-operators Group: Industry: Insurance. Score: 57.98%
  8. Husky Energy: Industry: Energy. Score: 56.98%
  9. Toronto-Dominion Bank : Industry: Banks. Score: 56.04%
  10. Cenovus Energy : Industry: Energy. Score: 55.84%

We wrote about this report last year and when comparing the previous year to this year, it “shows that performance on most indicators is essentially flat, although notable improvements were made on several natural resource-based metrics. Admittedly, a single year-over-year comparison is hardly indicative of long-term trends, but this analysis still serves to show where Canada’s most sustainable companies are veering, and where future weaknesses may lie.” Though it may not be a large sample size, this is the beginning of trends that may play out in future years; and as such they should not be ignored.

These companies are raising the bar for business standards in Canada by setting trends that hopefully will inspire other businesses – regardless of industry – to follow their lead. Congratulations to all 50 organizations that made the list.


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Miratel Solutions is a Toronto call centreeBusiness, and letter shop mail house specializing in professional fundraising services including inbound telephone fundraisingoutbound telephone fundraisingonline fundraisinglottery fundraising servicesdonation processing and receipting and direct mail fundraising services. We are committed to our CSR business values in all our business decisions  and advancing the missions of the nonprofits we proudly serve.

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