10 Best Cities to Live According to Brand Index

As a Toronto call centre we’re always interested to see how our beloved city and country fairs on the world’s stage. This is a topic I’ve explored in blogs like best country to livesmartest countries, the happiest countries, the  most peaceful countries, the most sustainable countries, the friendliest countries, the most charitable countries, the most prosperous countries, the best countries for quality of life, the best countries for business, the top countries for life expectancy, the best countries for working women, the best country for world travel & tourism, the best countries for human development, the top countries for Clean Capitalism, the best country for child well-being, the best countries from social progress, the best countries for higher education, the most popular countries, the least corrupt countries, the best countries for paid vacation daysthe countries with the best reputation, the best countries for global professionals, the best countries for ease of doing business, the best countries for starting a business, the best country for business, the best country for customer satisfaction, the most gay positive country, the best countries with the most competitive economies, the best countries for entrepreneurship, the most sustainable countries, the best countries to grow old, the top countries for longest hours worked, the best countries for innovation, the best countries for expats and the best country for closing the gender gap. Today, I am expanding on the Anholt-GfK Country Brands Index that I previously wrote about and featuring the 10 best cities from the bi-annual Anholt-GfK City Brands Index (CBISM) that “measures the power and appeal of each city’s brand image.

The CBISM ranked the 50 cities based on six criterions: presence (the city’s international status and standing), place (its physical aspect), pre-requisites (basic requirements, such as affordable accommodation and the standard of public amenities), people, pulse (interesting things to do) and potential (the economic and educational opportunities). They feel that this information gives a “full picture that includes the city’s social and cultural environment, its physical look and feel, its public services, educational and economic opportunities and the city’s contribution to the world.” A total of 5,144 interviews were conducted online with adults 18 and over from a variety of countries and based on these findings, the 10 best cities according to the CBISM are:

  1. London, England – Previous rank: 2

    Image courtesy of americanholidays.com

  2. Sydney, Australia – Previous rank: 3
  3. Paris, France – Previous rank: 1
  4. New York, United States – Previous rank: 4
  5. Rome, Italy – Previous rank: 6
  6. Washington D.C., United States – Previous rank: 7
  7. Los Angeles, United States – Previous rank: 5
  8. Toronto, Canada – Previous rank: 13
  9. Vienna, Austria – Previous rank: 9
  10. Melbourne, Australia – Previous rank: 8

Toronto ranked 2nd when it came to the friendliness of its people, 3rd for a feeling of safety and tied for 5th with Melbourne for Fit in With Culture.

The CBISM strives to give the bigger picture when looking at and ranking these cities and it appears that they achieved their goal with this Index. Congratulations to our hometown for making the top 10. It will be interesting to see how Toronto’s brand may (or may not) have been impacted from events in 2013.


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