10 Best Cities to Live According to Scorecard on Prosperity
Being a Toronto contact centre, we regularly write about global reports that feature how Canada and our hometown rank. I’ve explored this topic in blog posts like the best country to live, smartest countries, the happiest countries, the most peaceful countries, the most sustainable countries, the friendliest countries, the most charitable countries, the most prosperous countries, the best countries for quality of life, the best countries for business, the top countries for life expectancy, the best countries for working women, the best country for world travel & tourism, the best countries for human development, the top countries for Clean Capitalism, the best country for child well-being, the best countries from social progress, the best countries for higher education, the most popular countries, the least corrupt countries, the best countries for paid vacation days, the countries with the best reputation, the best countries for global professionals, the best countries for ease of doing business, the best countries for starting a business, the best country for business, the best country for customer satisfaction, the most gay positive country, the best countries with the most competitive economies, the best countries for entrepreneurship and the most sustainable countries. Today, we’ll be adding the 10 best cities for prosperity from the 2013 Scorecard on Prosperity released by the Toronto Region Board of Trade, “the chamber of commerce for Canada’s largest urban region.”

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The Toronto Region Board of Trade looked at 24 major world cities, which they called “metro areas.” The metro areas were measured on 33 indicators grouped into 2 domains: Economy (18) and Labour Attractiveness (13). New this year to the Scorecard is “the “Human Capital Lens”, which sets out to benchmark Toronto’s human capital against the eleven other North American metro regions.”
According to this research, the 10 most prosperous metro areas are:
- Paris, France – 2012 ranking: 1st
- Calgary, Canada – 2012 ranking: 4th
- London, England – 2012 ranking: 3rd
- Oslo, Norway – 2012 ranking: 8th
- Madrid, Spain – 2012 ranking: 9th
- Toronto, Canada – 2012 ranking: 5th
- San Francisco, United States – 2012 ranking: 2nd
- Seattle, United States – 2012 ranking: 6th
- Sydney, Australia – 2012 ranking: 12th
- Tokyo, Japan – 2012 ranking: 11th
Canada and United States tied for the country with the most metro areas in the top 10. Though Canada faired well, areas for improvement included productivity and innovation. Education was one area where Toronto excelled, and was it was 2nd only to Calgary when it came to the number of degrees people held.
“Toronto’s best results come from the Labour Attractiveness domain, where Toronto maintains its top ranking as the most diverse metro with the highest share of foreign-born residents. Overall, Toronto ranks fifth on Labour Attractiveness, and 12th on Economy”
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