10 Best Corporate Citizens from 2014 CR Magazine Report

Miratel’s CSR business initiatives are the foundation of its corporate structure but we also take pleasure in celebrating other like-minded companies. We have explored this in posts like the best Corporate Citizens in Canada, the Top Organizations for Employee Engagement, the Greenest Canadian Employers, the Top Diversity Employers in Canada, the Top Canadian CSR Business List, the Canada’s Top Employers for 2013,  the top Canadian boards according to gender representation, the Top Canadian Boards According to Visible Minority and Aboriginal Representation, the Top Sustainable Companiesthe best corporate citizens list, the  top countries for Clean Capitalism, the Green Business Leaders for 2013, the 10 Green Business Leaders, the B Corp Best for the World List, the top foreign corporate citizens in Canada, the most reputable companies, the most visible companies with the best reputation, the top 10 North American retailers for Carbon Productivity, the best green global retailers, the 10 most sustainable Canadian companies, the 10 Most Sustainable Companies and the 10 Most Sustainable Countries. Today I’ll be adding the 10 best corporate citizens from the 15th annual 100 Best Corporate Citizens 2014 list released by Corporate Responsibility (CR) Magazine.

CR Magazine, American’s leading corporate responsibility publication, published this report to highlight the public companies in the United States that are standing out for being good corporate citizens.

“Each year, we measure the most transparent companies who report on their responsible practices. We congratulate those honoured on this year’s 100 Best Corporate Citizens List for their commitment to corporate responsibility.” CEO of CR Magazine, Elliot Clark, said

To compile this list they used 298 data points of disclosure and performance measures from publicly available information and scored that information using seven categories: environment, climate change, human rights, employee relations, corporate governance, philanthropy and finance. Based on these findings, the 10 best corporate citizens are:

  1. Bristol-Myers Squibb Co. – Weighted average score: 36.12. 2013 rank: 310-Best-Corporate-Citizens-csr-business-Canada-2014
  2. Johnson & Johnson* – Weighted average score: 43.325. 2013 rank: 17
  3. Gap, Inc.* – Weighted average score: 45.76. 2013 rank: 6
  4. Microsoft Corporation* – Weighted average score: 54.615. 2013 rank: 29
  5. Mattel, Inc.* – Weighted average score: 62.895. 2013 rank: 2
  6. Weyerhaeuser Co. – Weighted average score: 66.97. 2013 rank: 23
  7. Ecolab, Inc. – Weighted average score: 68.94. 2013 rank: Wasn’t on the list
  8. Intel Corp.* – Weighted average score: 71.455. 2013 rank: 5
  9. Coca-Cola Co – Weighted average score: 82.85. 2013 rank: 10
  10. Walt Disney Co. – Weighted average score: 83.035. 2013 rank: 12

*It should be noted that companies are marked with an asterisk if they have “any kind of financial relationship with SharedXpertise, CROA or CR Magazine.”

This year showcased remarkable change in the list in comparison to the 100 Best Corporate Citizens 2013. There were 23 companies new to the list, such as the 7th place ranked Ecolab, Inc. In fact only seven companies have remained on the list every year since 2008. Also, there were 33 companies who rose an average of 20 places this year; while 42 companies fell on average 17 spots. This is not necessarily indicative of companies moving away from CSR business initiatives, but rather that more companies are raising the bar when it comes to corporate citizenship. Hopefully, this trend will continue and more companies will join in on the competition by setting new standards and inspiring other businesses in the process.


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Miratel Solutions is a Toronto call centreeBusiness, and letter shop mail house specializing in professional fundraising services including inbound telephone fundraisingoutbound telephone fundraisingonline fundraisinglottery fundraising servicesdonation processing and receipting and direct mail fundraising services. We are committed to our CSR business values in all our business decisions  and advancing the missions of the nonprofits we proudly serve.

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