10 Top Countries for Social Progress According to 2015 Index

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Social Progress Index 2015

Click image to go to Social Progress Index 2015

Today, I’ll be adding the 10 top countries for social progress from the Social Progress Index 2015 released by the Social Progress Imperative, an organization with a vision of the world where “social progress sits alongside economic prosperity as a measure of a sustainable society.” I have written about this Index in 2013 and 2014 but the 2015 edition builds on the feedback from 2014 and now includes 52 indicators and 133 countries. “The Social Progress Index offers a rich framework for measuring the multiple dimensions of social progress, benchmarking success, and catalyzing greater human wellbeing.”

They define social progress as “the capacity of a society to meet the basic human needs of its citizens, establish the building blocks that allow citizens and communities to enhance and sustain the quality of their lives, and create the conditions for all individuals to reach their full potential.” Three questions led to the dimensions that form the basis of the Index: 1) basic human needs (Does a country provide for its people’s most essential needs?); 2) foundations of wellbeing (Are the building blocks in place for individuals and communities to enhance and sustain wellbeing?); and 3) opportunity (Is there opportunity for all individuals to reach their full potential?). Those dimensions were then broken down into 12 categories (4 each) and finally into 52 indicators to give the most complete picture of the countries which represent 94% of the world’s population. Based on this methodology, the top 10 countries for social progress are:

  1. Norway – Score: 88.36. GDP per capita: $62, 448
  2. Sweden – Score: 88.06. GDP per capita: $43,741
  3. Switzerland – Score: 87.97. GDP per capita: $54,697
  4. Iceland – Score: 87.62. GDP per capita: $41,250
  5. New Zealand – Score: 87.08. GDP per capita: $32,808
  6. Canada – Score: 86.89. GDP per capita: $41,894
  7. Finland – Score: 86.75. GDP per capita: $38,846
  8. Denmark – Score: 86.63. GDP per capita: $41,991
  9. Netherlands – Score: 86.50. GDP per capita: $44,945
  10. Australia – core: 86.42. GDP per capita: $42,831

With its top 10 ranking, Canada represents the only North American country, the highest-ranking member of the G7 and the only country with a population greater than 25 million.

Surprisingly, GDP doesn’t necessarily dictate levels of social progress. The valuable information contained in Social Progress Index 2015 details exactly where countries can improve when it comes to the social freedoms of its citizens. Definitely worth a read.


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