12 Top Countries Represented from Global 100 Clean Capitalism Report

Clean capitalism is becoming an ever-growing trend as consumers and businesses alike are putting more stock in sustainable CSR business practices. Taking this a step further you can see which countries are world leaders when it comes to promoting clean capitalism. I often write about how Canada and its corporations fairs on related lists like the 50 Best Corporate Citizens in Canada 2012, the 30 Top Green Organizations in Canada According to Employee Engagement, the 55 Greenest Canadian Employers 2012, the 50 Top Diversity Employers in Canada 2012, the Top 50 Canadian CSR Business List and Canada’s Top Employers for 2013. Today, I’ll add to this list with the top 10 countries represented from the Global 100 Clean Capitalism report.

The 9th annual Global 100 Clean Capitalism ranking, which these top twelve countries were derived from, was compiled and published by Corporate Knights (CK). CK “is a media, research and financial products company focused on quantifying and animating clean capitalism drivers for decision makers.” CK defines Clean Capitalism as “an economic system in which prices incorporate social, economic and ecological benefits and costs, and actors know the full impacts of their marketplace actions.” Corporate Knights Capital is a “source for objective, data-driven ‘clean capitalism’ ratings for over 2000 companies globally.”

“The Global 100 are leading a resource productivity revolution, transforming waste into treasure and doing more with less. They are steering our civilization away from ecological overshoot and back to a place of balance with our planet.’”  Toby Heaps, Corporate Knights CEO

 All publicly traded companies that had a market capitalization in excess of US$ 2 billion as of October 1, 2012 were eligible for consideration in the Global 100 and they were then determined “through a two-step process. First, all companies in the starting universe are put through four screens. The companies that pass the screens constitute the Global 100 shortlist. Second, all companies in the shortlist are scored on the ‘priority KPIs’ for their respective industry group. A priority indicator is any of the 12 key performance indicators (KPIs) used in CK’s research model that was disclosed by at least 10% of all companies in a given industry group for 2011. The Global 100 is comprised of the top-performing companies in the shortlist, subject to the number of slots reserved for each sector.” Full details of the methodology used is provided through Corporate Knights and the Global 100 site where they also have an interactive map.

The 12 top countries represented in the Global 100 Clean Capitalism report are:


images from global100.or

Congratulations to all the corporations that made the Global 100 by leading the way with sustainable business practices and to Canada and all the other countries they represent.


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