12 Top Countries Represented in Global 100: World Leaders in Clean Capitalism List

I often write about how Canada is perceived globally and, in particular, love when we represent well on lists related to CSR business values. I’ve covered how Canada ranked in posts such as best countries to live, the smartest countries, the happiest countries, the  most peaceful countries, the most sustainable countries, the friendliest countries, the most charitable countries, the most prosperous countries, the best countries for quality of life, the Best Countries for Business in 2013, the top 20 countries for life expectancy at birth, the best countries for working women and the top sustainable countries according to the G20 Scorecard Ranking. In today’s post, I’m staying on this track with a look at the 10 top countries represented in the Global 100: World Leaders in Clean Capitalism list

The list was compiled and published by Corporate Knights (CK) “a media, research and financial products company focused on quantifying and animating clean capitalism drivers for decision makers.” This list is in-keeping with my on-going posts on how Canadian companies fair in CSR related rankings like 50 Best Corporate Citizens in Canada 2012, the 30 Top Green Organizations in Canada According to Employee Engagement, the 55 Greenest Canadian Employers 2012, the 50 Top Diversity Employers in Canada 2012, the Top 50 Canadian CSR Business List and Canada’s Top Employers for 2013.

When compiling the 9th edition of this list, CK used a screening process followed by 12 key performance indicators (KPIs): “Energy Productivity (revenue/energy use); Carbon Productivity (revenue/GHG emissions); Water Productivity (revenue/water use); Waste Productivity (revenue/waste productivity); Innovation Capacity (R&D expenses/revenue); Percentage Tax Paid (cash taxes/EBITDA); CEO-Average Worker Pay (CEO compensation/average employee compensation); Pension Fund Status (unfunded liabilities/market capitalization); Safety Performance (fatalities and lost time incidents); Employee Turnover (number of departures/average total employees); Leadership Diversity (female representation on board of directors and executive management); and Clean Capitalism Pay Link (mechanisms that link senior executive pay to clean capitalism targets).” Based on this criteria CK assigned an overall Global 100 score to each company.

I have extrapolated the countries of origin for these 100 companies and present the top 10 contributors in this post. This country list is first ranked by quantity (# of companies represented by each country) and then by country average score.

  1. USA: 10 – 2013 Score: 54.76%csr-business-Top-Foreign-Corporate-Citizens
  2. Canada: 10 – 2013 Score: 49.49%
  3. France: 9 – 2013 Score: 55.24%
  4. Australia: 9 – 2013 Score: 51.89%
  5. Great Britain: 9 – 2013 Score: 51.31%
  6. Germany: 7 – 2013 Score: 53.03%
  7. Sweden: 5 – 2013 Score: 54.84%
  8. Brazil: 5 – 2013 Score: 53.96%
  9. Netherlands: 4 – 2013 Score: 60.26%
  10. Norway: 4- 2013 Score: 61.68%
  11. Spain: 4 – 2013 Score: 54.62%
  12. Japan: 4 – 2013 Score: 48.76%

The other countries that made up the 100 were Finland, Switzerland, Denmark and Singapore that each had 3. Portugal and Belgium with 2 companies each and South Korea, South Africa, Ireland and Hong Kong with 1 each.

Canada’s presence on this list has increased considerably since last year when only 6 companies made the list. The Canadian companies represented in the 2013 Global 100 were (with ranking): (21) Teck Resources Ltd., mining; (40) Barrick Gold Corp., mining; (57) Canadian National Railway Co., transportation; (60) Telus Corp., telecommunications; (71) Nexen Inc., energy; (79) Enbridge Inc., energy; (81) Suncor Energy Inc., energy; (85) Sun Life Assurance Co. of Canada, financial services; (87) Royal Bank of Canada, financial services; and (88) Cenovus Energy Inc., energy.


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Miratel Solutions is a Toronto call centreeBusiness, and letter shop mail house specializing in professional fundraising services including telephone fundraisingonline fundraisinglottery servicesdonation cagingdonation processing and other donor management services. We are committed to our CSR business values in all contact centre services and mail house operations and advancing the missions of the nonprofits we proudly serve.

2 responses to “12 Top Countries Represented in Global 100: World Leaders in Clean Capitalism List”

  1. 10 Best Cities to Live in Canada 2013 - Income Property, Real Estate Investment in Canada says:

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