5 most popular Miratel Blog posts of all time

We’ve made it, the new year is just about to arrive which brings us to the conclusion of our review of the most read Miratel blog posts of 2014. So far we’ve had the opportunity to review the best ‘social media for nonprofit fundraising‘ posts, along with the best ‘nonprofit report‘, the ‘best of lists‘ and ‘Meatless Monday‘ posts from the entire year. Today we conclude with five most popular blog posts since we began writing back in December 2009, during that time we’ve written almost 1,250 posts on the site and here are the most read five during that time.

  1. Meatless Monday with Vegan Crispy Cajun Chickpea Cakes (November 2013) – This has become our most popular Meatless Monday post of all time and that is probably because it’s a delicious recipe that brings together the perfect balance of flavour and spice. In addition the recipe is easy to complete, doesn’t take very long and lets you raise the heat (in terms of spiciness) to your hearts content.  
  2. Top 10 NGO’s from the 100 Best List 2012 by The Global Journal (July 2012) – The 2012 list was compiled by The Global Journal and actually includes the top 100 NGO’s but we zoomed in on the top ten which includes names you are most likely familiar with along with a few that you may not be. According to the compilers the list was devised via a set of metrics that included impact, innovation, transparency, accountability and efficiency.miratel-top-5-posts-all-time-nonprofit-fundraising
  3. 10 Best Countries to Live 2013 (June 2013) – This 2013 study from the OECD remains very popular with our readers. The OECD evaluated 34 advanced countries in this index based on 11 topics that “reflect what the OECD has identified as essential to well-being in terms of material living conditions (housing, income, jobs) and quality of life (community, education, environment, governance, health, life satisfaction, safety and work-life balance).” You’ll have to read the post to see the top ten!
  4. 10 Best Countries to Live In (June 2012) – The 2012 version of the OECD study shows how the rankings changed over the two years measured (see post above). We’re amazed at the amount of fluctuation but as ever the data, along with the final reasons for rankings, make for a fascinating read.
  5. 15 Top Countries from 2013 UN Human Development Ranking (April 2013) – Somewhat similar results to the OECD study but with a number of caveats. Created by the UN, The Human Development Ranking was launched in 1990 with the specific purpose “to shift the focus of development economics from national income accounting to people-centered policies“.  The 2013 Human Development Index (HDI) takes data from an extensive list of 187 countries and territories and creates ranking based on eight metrics that measure improvement in education, health, and income.

For each of the highlighted posts above please click on the title (in blue) if you’d like to read the original post in full on the site. Until we return we’d like to wish all of our readers a wonderful, safe and rewarding 2015.

Miratel Solutions is a Toronto call centreeBusiness, and letter shop mail house specializing in professional fundraising services including inbound telephone fundraisingoutbound telephone fundraisingonline fundraisinglottery fundraising servicesdonation processing and receipting and direct mail fundraising services. We are committed to our CSR business values in all our business decisions  and advancing the missions of the nonprofits we proudly serve.

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