6 Interesting Insights from the Preliminary Customer Experience Response Survey
As a Canadian call centre, we are very much aware of the importance of a positive customer experience. It is no secret that a company is judged equally on the quality of its products and services as it is on the way they are experienced by the public. This is why research like The Customer Experience Management Benchmark Study (CEMBS) that sheds light on reaching and engaging connected consumers is so valuable. While the full findings of the CEMBS will be released “at the 2014 Customer Response Summit (CRS), February 3rd–5th at the Manchester Grand Hyatt in San Diego, CA;” we’re going to look at a few of the preliminary findings in anticipation of its release.
The CEMBS “is a survey of customer care program managers from select U.S. and global companies, targeting organizations that conduct the majority of their business in the business-to-consumer space.” Those who participate in the CEMBS had to complete “an extensive questionnaire aimed at defining and exploring their current and future plans for providing customer care to an increasingly Connected Consumer.” Based on the preliminary information released, below are 6 interesting insights from the study:
53% of companies marked brand reputation as the number one priority of customer experience management.
- Although Mobile Care was a significant presence in 2012, it continued to build on its importance and strengthen its impact. Nearly half of the participants in the study said that the mobile channel is where they saw the most growth over the last year; mobile brought in more money for companies last year and gained greater participation among consumers. One in five companies (22%) have plans to shift customer care from its current setup.
- 56% of the companies who participated already have a mobile care option.
- 67% of companies have a social media team to respond specifically to customer care issues.
- 75% of companies have interactive care options.
- 89% of companies are looking to integrate new channels into their traditional stream of customer care.
We look forward to more details being released with the full report and, in particular, the obvious impact of mobile channels, social media and other technologies on the connected customer experience. Managing an online corporate presence is imperative today not only for the purpose of marketing but also to interact with (potential) customers. An online presence allows companies to have more direct access to their consumer base so they can learn about their wants and needs and be able to address them quickly. While traditional methods are still important to maintain, these preliminary findings from the CEMBS certainly indicate that integrating these traditional channels with emerging technologies is imperative to keep the connected consumer engaged. I will be reporting on the full findings from the CEMBS when the study is released in early February. Stay tuned.
For Canadian call centre, we are very much aware of the importance of a positive customer experience. It is no secret that a company is judged equally on the quality of its products and services as it is on the way they are experienced by the publi, nonprofit fundraising, CSR business and other news, connect with us on Twitter, Facebook, Linkedin and Pinterest or subscribe to our RSS feed.
Miratel Solutions is a Toronto call centre, eBusiness, and letter shop mail house specializing in professional fundraising services including inbound telephone fundraising, outbound telephone fundraising, online fundraising, lottery fundraising services, donation processing and receipting and direct mail fundraising services. We are committed to our CSR business values in all our business decisions and advancing the missions of the nonprofits we proudly serve.
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