Canadian Tire CSR Business Program Jumpstart® Helps Kids Get in the Game

I recently wrote about Canadian Tire’s CSR business results as reflected in its latest Sustainability Report. The company’s dedication to reducing the environmental impact of its stores was impressive but that is only half of its commitment to CSR business practices. Social responsibility is the other half and that is demonstrated with its National charitable program, Canadian Tire Jumpstart®.

The Canadian Tire Jumpstart® is a national network of more than 310 local chapters which launched in 2005 and has been having a huge positive impact in the lives of children ever since.

CSR Business Canadian Tire Jumpstart

Jumpstart image courtesy of

The “Canadian Tire Jumpstart®, provides Canadian kids, age four to 18, in financial need, access to sport and recreation by covering the cost of registration, equipment and/or transportation. National in scope but local in focus, Canadian Tire Jumpstart® delivers support to children in financial need through a Canadian-wide network of local chapters. These chapters are made up of a variety of community leaders committed to helping kids get active, such as Big Brothers and Big Sisters Canada, YMCA, and Parks and Recreation. These community partners are joined by Canadian Tire Dealers and Petroleum Agents, and together the chapters identify children in financial need who would benefit from the program.”

One in three Canadian children cannot afford to play organized sports and extracurricular activities are generally the first ones cut in tough economic times. Thanks to Jumpstart, over 350,000 children (and counting) have been given the chance to participate in organized sports which can be expensive when you factor in registration fees, uniforms, equipment and travel (not to mention the personal time investment).

By helping children participate in sports Canadian Tire is giving them the opportunity to learn skills that will help them throughout their entire lives. The children also get to experience the team dynamic along with learning discipline, a good work ethic and leadership skills. Plus we live in times when childhood obesity and related diseases are on the rise so getting children up and active is imperative.

CSR Business Jumpstart Fall Fundraiser

Jumpstart Fall 2011 Fundraiser image courtesy of

Jumpstart currently has a fall fundraising event running from September 24 to October 14 that every time you go into your local Canadian Tire, Mark’s Work Wearhouse or Gas + location and make a $2 donation you will receive a mini-foam football. 100% of your donation goes directly to the program to help kids in financial need get active in communities across Canada.

At its most basic level, this program is allowing children to have fun and just be kids and not have to sit on the sidelines. They get to interact with their peers and have a good time which is similar to the Tim Hortons’ Timbits Minor Sports Program (which helped Sidney Crosby break into hockey).

This is an exceptional program that Canadian Tire has put together especially because the company has always been known as a leading sporting goods retailer in Canada. It shows that a company can (and should) incorporate its strengths into its CSR business planning to increase its chance of success.

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Miratel Solutions is a Toronto call centre, eBusiness, and letter shop mail house specializing in professional fundraising services including telephone fundraising, online fundraising, lottery services, donation caging, donation processing and other donor management services. We are committed to our CSR business values and advancing the missions of the non-profits we proudly serve.

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