CSR Business Efforts of Tim Hortons and the Toronto Blue Jays Care Raise Much Needed Funds

Today we’re looking at the CSR business programs of two Canadian organizations Tim Hortons and the Toronto Blue Jays. These two brands take giving back seriously and they do so in a big way to help local communities and organizations.

Tim Hortons Smile Cookies

tim-hortons-csr-business-smile-cookiesTim Hortons is one corporation that takes their CSR business initiatives seriously, as giving back is paramount to the company. I’ve written about this dedicated Canadian company on numerous occasions as a result of its philanthropy. In the past I’ve covered their internal eco-programs, free Summer Swimming Program, Timbits Minor Hockey Programs, Local Tim’s Earn-a-Bike, Litter Awareness Program, and Camp Day program benefiting the Tim Horton Children’s Foundation. Recently, Tim Hortons has re-launched their very successful Smile Cookie Campaign, which ran from September 17th to the 23rd, 2012. What is commendable about this CSR business initiative is that all of the proceeds from the sale of the cookies go to local charities, hospitals and community programs. This allows each Tim Hortons location to have an impact on their community and make a tangible difference in the lives of their customers. In 2011 the Smile Cookie campaign raised over $3 million and more was anticipated in 2012.

The Smile Cookies had a humble beginning as it was first launched in Ontario in 1996 to help the Hamilton Children’s Hospital. After seeing the impact of this simple fundraiser it was expanded to become a major charitable event that is being run across North America.

Toronto Blue Jays

jays-care-foundation-csr-businessNow that the 2012 regular baseball season is over for my beloved Toronto Blue Jays I thought I’d look back on one of the (few) successes of this past season which was a fundraiser held for Jays Care Foundation. On September 13th Jays Care held their very first Charity Home Run Derby at Nat Bailey Stadium in Vancouver, BC. The proceeds from the event went to the Boys & Girls Clubs of South Coast BC.

The Charity Home Run Derby raised more than $85,000, which was a tidy sum for this inaugural event. In attendance at the event were Toronto Blue Jays’ alumni like Joe Carter, Jesse Barfield, Kelly Gruber, Homer Bush and Lloyd Moseby.

The Jays Care Foundation “has created opportunities for children and youth in need by providing access to programs that promote regular physical activity, encourage the pursuit of higher education and impart fundamental life skills.” The Foundation was founded in 1992 and is raising a lot of money to help Canada’s youth. In fact the foundation has “contributed more than $1.4 million to initiatives and facilities across Canada, and provided 17,000 kids access to vital programs and services in 2011, alone.

As Canada’s only Major League Baseball team it’s great that they are raising the profile of the team and giving back to the country that has embraced them.

Whether it’s where you get your morning coffee or the MLB team you cheer for, these two organizations understand the role they play in people’s lives and the impact they can have. As a result, they put a high value on giving back and being active and good standing members of their communities.


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Miratel Solutions is a Toronto call centreeBusiness, and letter shop mail house specializing in professional fundraising services including telephone fundraisingonline fundraisinglottery servicesdonation cagingdonation processing and other donor management services. We are committed to our CSR business values in all contact centre services and mail house operations and advancing the missions of the nonprofits we proudly serve.

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