Engaging CSR Business Initiatives a Click Away with Like it for Good

Miratel places great value in our CSR business mandates and they are factored into all layers of operations throughout our Toronto contact centre and mail house.  We realize it’s an on-going commitment and that our initiatives should always be progressing in terms of impact/effectiveness and also in reach as it is important to engage others and make participation easy. We are always looking for ways to incorporate new ideas that combine these two goals so we were thrilled to discover and partner with Like it for Good to benefit The Nature Convervancy Adaopt an Acre Progran in the Appalachians.

CSR business initiative - likeitforgood.com

Like It for Good logo courtesy of likeitforgood.com

Like it for Good is the creation of Jan van Voorst, founder of Planetsave.com News and co-founder of Planet-save.com. Jan has long been combining his experience with internet-based marketing and his love for the planet. With the growing popularity of social media, Like it for Good was a natural progression for him. Like it for Good “allows you to help select causes with[out] emptying your pocket but instead by spreading the word.  All you have to do is click a button and share a post with your friends and you have made a donation.”

The concept is simple as explained on its website: “We write one new donation post each week featuring a cause and sponsor.  These posts are pushed through our social media channels including our partner channels reaching thousands of initial users. Our subscribers are notified as soon as there is a new donation post and each donation post has a sponsor logo, link, and description at the bottom of the post. Donations to charity are made on behalf of our users every time they “Like”, “Tweet”, “Google +” or “Stumble” a post.”

Miratel is proud to be sponsoring a donation post starting Wednesday August 17th until Tuesday August 23rd for The Nature Conservancy, Adopt an Acre Program in support of the Appalachians. The Appalachians stretch 1,500 miles from Canada to Alabama and are marked by tall, wind-swept alpine peaks, cool, sparkling rivers and rugged shoreline. “Located near some of the largest cities, the Appalachians face dramatic pressures from development, deforestation, energy development and invasive pests. By 2030, an estimated 44 million acres of private forests will be lost to development. The unprecedented sale of huge tracts of forest threatens the integrity of the region. In the 1990s alone, the U.S. lost a staggering 1 million acres of forest per year to development, making the protection of the Appalachians today more crucial than ever.” Through Miratel’s sponsorship, every “Like”, “Tweet”, “Google +” or “Stumble” will save 50 square feet of beautiful, precious land in the Appalachians.

Please take a moment and click here to share Miratel’s sponsored donation post via Facebook, Twitter, Google + and StubleUpon and together we can help save the Appalachians.

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