Food Banks Starved of Support

Usually I don’t write from a perspective of panic but something very concerning is happening at food banks in Toronto, after reading the headlines in the Toronto Star today I was not surprised to see the same concerns gripping food banks throughout Canada and the USA. In short the last few years of economic decline have impacted donation levels to food banks in an extreme fashion. Donations are not just down they have curtailed alarmingly to the point where many food banks just can’t provide the level of assistance they wish to. If any type of organisation knows how to stretch donations and supplies to the furthest reaches it would be food banks but the report today shows that we’re not looking at a shortfall of 10,15 or 20 percent but a downturn in donation of over 50% in many instances.

At Miratel we’ve always been a dedicated supporter of our area food banks and the bad news is running very deep at present so I ask if you are in food bank tunaa position to give non perishable food or donations to a local food bank there’s never been a time in recent decades where your help would be more highly appreciated. Don’t think a donation needs to be large to matter, every single item you can spare or donation you can afford makes a difference especially when goals are so far from being reached. 2010 has been a year when huge international crisis such as Haiti and Chile have already seen corporations and the public alike both give generously to provide help wherever they can, events such as those coupled with an economy that is still staggering has left local food banks facing a growing crisis. In Toronto the Daily Bread Food Bank is on pace to collect less than half of their targeted food goal that ends next Friday. In terms of monetary donations the news is equally worrisome as less than 35% of a goal has been reached. As if that wasn’t enough cause for concern, the economic situation has seen an increasing reliance on the services provided by food banks in Toronto as an increase of some 17% in terms of clientele has been noted over the last 12 months.

If you work in a company with many employees ask your manager if a donation drive can be initiated in the workplace. If you are a student try and start a committee to begin a canned food drive, if you live in an apartment block try and spread the word with your neighbours. Even leaving a message and link to a local food bank on Facebook can remind people of those who are in need who live in the same towns and cities as us.

In addition to the story in the Toronto paper I did a little extra research that confirmed what appears logical – that the same difficulties are being faced seemingly everywhere. I know the blog is read all over North America so please go to google and type in the name of your city and ‘food bank’ and see how best to assist, in addition this directory lists numerous food banks in the US searchable by zip code, while this site serves a similar purpose in Canada. For further evidence this news story about the situation in Illinois lends clarity to the growing need – if you can help your community either via your company or your friends it would be a perfect time to help. A few cans of soup, boxes of cereals or packets of rice might feel like a small contribution but it can mean the difference between someone in your community actually having a meal tonight.


In Toronto – please contact ‘The Daily Bread’ food bank or the ‘North York Harvest’ food bank


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