Greenest Provinces in Canada According to Latest Report Card

Happy Canada Day! As a Canadian call centre that is 100% green powered, Miratel cares very much about the environment and decreasing our footprint on our great country (and by extension the planet). While we are proud of our own efforts, we also like to celebrate the efforts of other like-minded companies and have done so in posts like the best Corporate Citizens in Canada, the Top Organizations for Employee Engagement, the Greenest Canadian Employers, the Top Diversity Employers in Canada, the Top Canadian CSR Business List, the Canada’s Top Employers for 2013,  the top Canadian boards according to gender representation, the Top Canadian Boards According to Visible Minority and Aboriginal Representation, the  top countries for Clean Capitalism, the Green Business Leaders for 2013, the 10 Green Business Leaders, the B Corp Best for the World List, the top foreign corporate citizens in Canada, the most reputable companies, the most visible companies with the best reputation, the top 10 North American retailers for Carbon Productivity, the best green global retailers, the 10 most sustainable Canadian companies, the 10 Most Sustainable Companies, the 10 Most Sustainable Countries, the 10 best corporate citizens, the 12 most sustainable business, the top Canadian corporate citizens and the best foreign corporate citizens doing business in Canada. In honour of Canada Day, today we’ll be featuring Corporate Knights (CK) 2014 Green Provinces Report Card so we can see just how each province ranks. We have previously covered CK’s 2012 Green Provincial Report Card if you want to have a look back and compare.


CK is “a media, research and financial products company focused on quantifying and animating clean capitalism drivers for decision makers.” When putting together the 2014 list they paired down the number of indicators the provinces were judged on from 35 (used in 2012) to 10 (used in 2014 report card). The 10 key performance indicators (KPIs) used this year span across six categories: air and climate (KPI’s: carbon productivity and air pollution productivity); water (KPI: domestic water use per capita); nature (KPI: the percentage of a jurisdiction’s land including inland water bodies protected by law); transportation (KPI’s: number of persons per public EV charging station and vehicle kilometres driven per capita); waste (KPI’s: waste productivity and the rate of waste diversion); and energy, buildings and innovation (KPI’s: primary energy productivity and renewable power as a percentage of overall power generation in a jurisdiction). CK felt that these categories and KPIs reflect a more accurate depiction of the provinces than their past method.

Additionally, the provinces were able to earn bonus points (up to a maximum of 10) for green policies, regulations and programs. The bonus points were used to reward and encourage these types of green programs, which might not be covered under the KPIs. According to CK, Canada’s province ranking from the 2014 Green Provinces Report Card scores are:

  1. British Columbia – Score: 83
  2. Prince Edward Island – Score: 81
  3. Quebec – Score: 73
  4. Ontario – Score: 69
  5. Manitoba – Score: 62
  6. Nova Scotia – Score: 59
  7. Newfoundland & Labrador – Score: 51
  8. Alberta – Score: 42
  9. New Brunswick – Score: 39
  10. Saskatchewan – Score: 33

Though B.C came out on top, “the northeast, however, also dominated. Quebec, Prince Edward Island and Ontario, which announced in April it had finished phasing out coal for electricity generation, scored much higher than their inland counterparts in Western Canada and the prairies.” Ontario earned the most bonus points with 7 being rewarded for its extra efforts.

This list truly shines a light on the overall green efforts of these provinces, where strides have been made and where there still room for improvement. Happy Canada Day!


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Miratel Solutions is a Toronto call centreeBusiness, and letter shop mail house specializing in professional fundraising services including inbound telephone fundraisingoutbound telephone fundraisingonline fundraisinglottery fundraising servicesdonation processing and receipting and direct mail fundraising services. We are committed to our CSR business values in all our business decisions  and advancing the missions of the nonprofits we proudly serve.

One response to “Greenest Provinces in Canada According to Latest Report Card”

  1. […] Provinces in Canada According to Latest Report Card. (2014). [image] Available at: [Accessed 20 Jan. […]

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