Hershey’s publish first ever CSR report – how sweet is it?
It’s been some time since we had a chance to zoom in on an individual company’s approach to CSR Corporate Social Responsbility, so I thought it would be sweet to take the opportunity to do so today and sweet is the operative word as we take a look at the Hershey Company. Remarkably this marks the first official CSR report from the Chocolate makers and was released this week to coincide with the anniversary of the birthday of the founder of the chocolate giant Milton S. Hershey. The Hershey Company was founded in 1894 by Milton operating on many platforms other than the famed chocolate bar. Hershey also operated Hershey Entertainment and Resorts, the Hershey Bears hockey team and other ventures. Much like Cadbury in the UK Hershey sought to establish a factory community around the chocolate factory itself with employees coming exclusively from local towns and villages and living in Hershey Housing (it was not made of chocolate…don’t ask). Over a century later Hershey has become one of the largest chocolate makers in the world and its range of products employee more than 14,000 people with 2009 operating revenues of $5.3 billion. Not surprisingly Hershey offered a proven track record of displaying CSR in lieu of their first official report being published. David West president and CEO explains:
“Our belief in the importance of CSR dates to the founding of the company more than 100 years ago. Today, CSR is an integral part of our global business strategy. Our CSR efforts stretched from a headquarters and manufacturing facilities in Hershey, Pennsylvania to our operations in countries such as Mexico and India, to the cocoa farming villages of West Africa. While we are proud of our accomplishments, including the contributions we make children need we understand that much remains to be done”

Does the Hershey CSR report have a sweet interior?
The full report is now available online and breaks out a Hershey’s goals into four key areas where the company will be placing its attention. The four areas are: marketplace/environment/workplace/community. The report provides comprehensive details highlighting accomplishments within each area and also lays out a list of goals that Hershey hopes to reach in future years. Being a net importer of raw products most specifically cocoa means a particular emphasis is shown with regard to the company’s actions working with the World Cocoa Foundation taking a leading role in accelerating sustainable cocoa farming practices and reinvesting income towards the improvement of families involved in the industry. In excess of 500,000 farming families have benefited from the program over the past decade according to the report. Hershey also outlay programs of conservation of natural resources by identifying and reducing greenhouse gas emissions. A proactive approach to improving and optimizing distribution and transportation systems is in place to protect excess fuel use. Sustainable packaging is also being used with the vast majority of the company’s products.
Also highlighted in the report are improved methods for waste reduction and recycling including reusing wastewater for irrigation as a result of excess water following the milk-condensing process. They also detail a number of community programs where profit is reinvested within the community with a particular emphasis toward children in need. The entire CSR report is available for your review including a downloadable PDF via this website. Encouraging signs that the chocolate maker has developed a sweet CSR program are in evidence. While it will never be my favorite chocolate is great to see the far-reaching steps that the company is taking.
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