Huggies® CSR Business Program Every Little Bottom Aims to Donate 22.5 Million Diapers

Huggies® CSR business program Every Little Bottom began in 2010 following the results of the Every Little Bottom Study they commissioned to better understand the issue of diaper need in the United States and Canada and to provide insight into its scope and scale. Some of the results included:

  • One in three mothers in the U.S. and nearly one in five in Canada report cutting back on basic essentials like food, utilities or child care in order to afford enough diapers for their children, also known as diaper need.
  • Diaper need means babies are kept in wet, dirty diapers for extended period. They sometimes must wear diapers that have been cleaned out and put back on. As a result, they are more likely to experience signs of irritation and discomfort, cry more, and suffer from worse diaper rash.
  • These mothers struggling with diaper need who spend on average U.S. $18/Canada $17 a week on diapers, are more likely to live in poverty and financial hardship than non-hardship (U.S. 42%, 45% vs. 13%; Canada 36%, 41% vs. 23%).

huggies-every-bottom-counts-csr-businessThese startling results were the reason why Huggies® launched the Every Little Bottom program. Since its inception in 2010 Every Little Bottom has donated over 60 million diapers to babies in need in North America. They have partnered with local and national organizations: National Coalition of Pastors Spouses, The Association of Junior Leagues International and Food Banks Canada to help build awareness and distribute diapers.

The retail chains they have partnered with have launched their own CSR business initiatives to help diaper babies in need. Some of the programs include:

  • Costco is selling specially marked Huggies® Products for Costco Wholesale clubs that will help support families in need.
  • Sam’s Club hosted diaper drives at most of their 600 locations and heavily promoted the event.
  • Walmart is partnering on the Huggies’ Crawl to a Million program. For every specially marked box of diapers or baby wipes purchased Huggies® will donate two diapers to babies in need.
  • CVS/Pharmacy with Huggies® donated $50,000 to Feeding America to help families who can’t afford diapers.
  • Safeway, Babies “R” Us, Walgreens, Kroger and Target all sell specially marked products that benefit Every Little Bottom.

By partnering with these retail giants Huggies® is able to bring their message to the masses and get people involved and educated about babies in need. These joint initiatives are mutually beneficial because both the brand and the retailer are able to make a difference and raise awareness of the hidden realities of poverty. The sad truth is that babies go through an average of six-ten diapers a day that adds up to a cost of approximately $75.00/month. Given the current economic climate $75.00 is a lot of money to those who are underemployed or unemployed. This year through Every Little Bottom, Huggies® is poised to donate 22.5 million diapers to diaper banks and organizations across Canada and the United States.

Huggies® has done extensive market research when it comes to their consumer base and target demographic and has developed a CSR business initiative that speaks directly to them while helping to solve a real problem. It’s appalling that many parents in the US and Canada have to keep their children home from daycare because they are unable to provide the diapers required.

Huggies® CSR business program is working towards diapering every baby and we all should help support a brand that is helping families in need



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Miratel Solutions is a Toronto call centre, eBusiness, and letter shop mail house specializing in professional professional fundraising including telephone fundraising, online fundraising, lottery services, donation caging, donation processing and other donor management services. We are committed to our CSR business values in all contact centre services and mail house operations and advancing the missions of the nonprofits we proudly serve.

One response to “Huggies® CSR Business Program Every Little Bottom Aims to Donate 22.5 Million Diapers”

  1. Agnes Sexton says:

    I buy only huggies diapers because they provide better protection however I am very upset with my last purchase at Walmart Huntington WV. US.Rt.60 was a box of size 1 148 count snug & dry up to 12 hour protection leak lock code…500000046801… I pay good money expecting the best as generally we receive however this time quite a bit of the diapers the fastner tabs wouldn’t stick..We buy no other brand of diaper however not only was this product defective and unable to be used I’m left feeling I wasted my money which I don’t have a lot of but when it comes to my baby he deserves the best and in this case he didn’t receive .

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