International Corporate Philanthropy Day is February 28th

Next week marks an important annual event on the CSR calendar with the fourth Monday of each February being used to celebrate ‘International Corporate Philanthropy Day’. As corporate social responsibility continues to expand as a global philosophy, corporate philanthropy marches in time to the same expansion. It’s been an encouraging year which has further demonstrated the progression of corporations to use their influence and financial strength to better their communities and support a myriad of causes, many of which I have covered on this blog with some regularity. Added to that is the recent commitment stressed by the United Nations to make global standards and expectations each feel the benefit of their full support.

The day of recognition for corporate philanthropy is being led by the “Committee Encouraging Corporate Philanthropy” based in New York. The day has been designed as an opportunity for corporations to share their commitment to the process in addition to celebrating their successes. The CECP member companies and partners will use the day to coordinate philanthropic initiatives and make related announcements. It has become a global opportunity to publicize the far-reaching benefits related to corporate philanthropy.

Last year in addition to the Empire State Building in New York being lit up in the green and blue colours that celebrate the event, the NYSE opening bell was rung by company executives who represented those that join CECP in recognizing the day. Next Monday will see a special United Nations event at the UN headquarters in Manhattan at 3pm to recognize the commitments toward universal primary education being made by both corporations and the private sector. The day itself promises to deliver a number of special announcements from partner organizations detailing their most recent community investment results in addition to plans for the future. Amongst those companies taking part this year include Alcoa Foundation, Bloomberg, HSBC, State Farm and many other household names. Prior to this years event existing partner Campbell Soup Company announced on February 16th a plan to reduce childhood obesity and hunger in Camden New Jersey, Campbell’s operational home since 1869. The company announced that it will be investing $10 million over the coming decade with the target of being able to reduce childhood obesity and hunger in Camden’s 23,000 children by some 50 percent.

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