Krochet Kids Stitch Nonprofit with CSR Business Values

Krochet Kids is a nonprofit that is changing lives globally with a CSR business mindset.

We have previously written about the CSR business models of brands like TOMS Shoes and TOMS Eyewear (the original “One for One”concept) and others such as Sevenly, Moraleyes, ONEHOPE Wine and Warby Parker. We have also featured Seven Virtues and EDUN who are for-profit retailers that incorporate responsible procurement into their foundation. Today I am writing about Krochet Kids who seem to blend the best of all these ideas but they are a nonprofit retailer built on CSR business values – a premise similar to Kourage Athletics.

To understand Krochet Kids, you have to know the story of this intriguing nonprofit retailer. It started when Kohl Crecelius, CEO & Co-founder of Krochet Kids International and his two friends Travis and Stewart learned to crochet. As “avid snow sports enthusiasts, [they] liked the idea of having [their] own unique headwear on the mountain.” “Before long “their” creations caught the attention of [their] classmates and [they] began taking custom orders and selling [their] crocheted masterpieces to anyone who would buy them. It was a local newspaper in [their] hometown of Spokane, WA that officially dubbed [them] the “Krochet Kids”.” The friend’s separated for college and all traveled on their breaks volunteering in developing nations. These young men knew one thing – they wanted to make a difference in the world once they saw how fortunate they were to have grown up in the United States.


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During one of his trips Stewart became acquainted with the plight of Ugandans living in government camps. “Entire generations grew up only knowing the camp and relying solely on the government and aid organizations for their every need. They were sick and tired of being dependent upon these operating bodies and they wanted to work and provide for their own families.”

“It was then that [they] realized the simplicity of crocheting to be its most profound quality. With hook and yarn people could make amazing products. Being paid a fair wage to do so would allow for them, for the first time, to provide for their families and begin planning for the future. By teaching these people to crochet, [they] would be empowering them to rise above poverty. ”

Their vision is “to create sustainable economic development programs that support holistic growth of individuals and communities within developing nations. To inspire the knowledge of a generation about their ability to bring change to a world that is in need. [They feel that they] are pioneering a movement to make humanitarian aid completely and definitively obsolete.”

The entire idea of Krochet Kids International is based on a sustainable cycle where women are educated on the art of crochet, the hats they make are then sent to the States where they are sold and the money is sent back to Uganda. By paying these women a working wage they are able to provide for their families and as a result can pay for food, healthcare, and education. Krochet Kids International also works to provide mentorship so each woman can “plan a unique and sustainable career path for the future.”

The company has grown substantially since they earned their nonprofit status in 2007. The model for their nonprofit is intriguing as they are helping educate people and giving them a chance to break the poverty cycle themselves by selling products. Krochet Kids International believes that “Uganda is but one microcosmic example of what [they] hope to replicate throughout impoverished communities around the globe.”

You can view and shop their complete catalogue online with delivery available throughout US and Canada. When gift giving this holiday season consider Krochet Kids and buy a hat. change a life.



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Miratel Solutions is a Toronto call centre, eBusiness, and letter shop mail house specializing in professional fundraising services including telephone fundraising, online fundraising, lottery services, donation caging, donation processing and other donor management services. We are committed to our CSR business values in all contact centre services and mail house operations and advancing the missions of the nonprofits we proudly serve.

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