Managing CSR: Is your company getting the best choices to control energy costs & efficiencies?

When a company is looking to improve its CSR performance (Corporate Social Responsibility) for most the use of energy as efficiently as possible must be considered and reviewed. With that in mind I found this report today from the Distributed Energy Financial Group (DEFG) quite fascinating as it demonstrates the scope of competitive  options in modern electricity options is very much based upon where one is located. The study looks at markets throughout the US and Canada and ranked them accordingly, what is patently clear is that the geographical location of a company can greatly impact its potential for the best in efficient energy usage habits.

Ideally with a report such as this heightened demand and pressure on energy providers will result in a more level playing field that delivers the best in competition and efficiencies. Nat Treadway of DEFG was the lead author on the report and specified:

“Well-structured, competitive electricity markets are critical to meeting our country’s future electric power needs.Competitive electricity markets deliver the innovation, new investments and customer choice required for future success.”

Overall the report identifies that for both industrial and commercial users choice is improving in many Canadian provinces and US states as markets seek to support the introduction of new products and services to gain a competitive advantage. Such competitive advantage in 2010 often translated to more efficient products which are typically more environmentally friendly in origin. The benefits being offered in many markets include; guarantee energy prices for a year or more, sustainable products, energy prices indexed, improved energy efficiency services and the potential for more customers to participate in bulk markets. Many of these benefits also translate to consumers who now have broader choices in terms of smart grid technology to better control their costs and usage.

The report shows Texas and New York leading the US whilst Canada is headed by Alberta and Ontario in terms of overall results. According to the commissioner of the Pennsylvania Public Utility Commission customer choice is providing benefits across the board which not only lowers rates but also encourage the growth of clean energy jobs, hastens new innovations and infrastructure support while also improving efficiencies. While some assumed that all the innovation would come at a cost, in Texas for example residential electricity prices have fallen even though the greatest range of choices is also provided. For industrial use electricity prices have remained stable while many parts of North America have seen increases of between 6-12% annually for the last few years.

What I think is most evident in the report is that the discrepancies between different regions have to grow smaller and that companies should not be penalized simply due to locality when trying to improve their energy performance measurements. The jurisdiction of energy suppliers continue to evolve into a more creative forum which not only can lead to companies using far less energy but also holds potential for cost savings simultaneously. The reports will show you just how your region performs and can also help identify where improvements are most urgently needed.

To read the full report from Abaccus including ranking please visit the DEFG site.

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