Meatless Monday with Fried Zucchini Coins Pasta

Do you have an abundance of Zucchini? Have you seen the locally grown zucchini in the grocery store or your local farmer’s market at very reasonable prices? Well, let us put this abundant harvest to good use this Meatless Monday and make a pasta with fried zucchini coins. This is a great meal that is the epitome of Meatless Monday because you can use seasonal, organic produce and have a delicious and hearty meal. This amazing recipe comes by way of Italian Food Forever by Deborah Mele.

Zucchini Pasta recipe for Meatless MondayIngredients:
• 1 Pound Dried Bow Tie Pasta
• 4-5 Small to Medium Zucchini
• Bunch Of Fresh, Washed, Chopped Parsley
• 3/4 Cup Fresh Grated Parmesan Cheese
• 1/4 Cup Olive Oil
• 2 Large garlic Cloves, Minced
• Fresh Ground Pepper
• Dash of Salt
• Dash of Red Pepper Flakes (Optional)

Slice the zucchini into coins, and fry in the olive oil until golden brown. Drain on paper towels. Add the garlic and remove before it browns. Cook the pasta until al dente, reserving a small cup of the pasta water before draining. Drain the pasta, and add the zucchini to the hot pasta with a little of the water. Mix thoroughly over medium heat, adding the cracked black pepper and red pepper flakes if you are using them. Remove from the heat and add the fresh, chopped parsley and half the cheese. Mix well and serve, offering the additional cheese for on top of the pasta.

 This amazing meal serves four and can be easily adapted to feed a group of any size. Some might think that using olive oil to fry in will make the zucchini greasy but it won’t but  you can use whatever type of oil you have in your pantry. Like many meals, the simplest dishes pack the most delicious and vibrant flavors. This dish allows the flavors of both the fresh zucchini and the cheese to be showcased. You may want to purchase the best quality cheese available in order to make this dish because it is such an integral component – like Grana Padano or Parmigiano-Reggiano. This is a light, fast and tasty dish that everyone will enjoy. Buon Appetito!


2 responses to “Meatless Monday with Fried Zucchini Coins Pasta”

  1. Jackie says:

    Made this last night! We really enjoyed it. To save money we are trying a few meatless meals each week!

  2. Meatless Monday with Fried Zucchini Coins Pasta – Delectable Salads says:

    […] The Recipe can be found HERE […]

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