Morgan Stanley to once again provide consulting grants to selected nonprofits

CSR business strategies are always interesting to write about as I find many to be as innovative as they are beneficial. I think there is a lot to be said for organisations that obviously make a commitment to researching the needs of the community or society in general before determining how to implement new initiatives. One such innovation I found to be very creative was announced this week from Morgan Stanley.

The global financial services firm announced the third consecutive year of their annual ‘Strategy Challenge’. This initiative is designed to assist nonprofits to overcome issues that they may be presented with while looking to serve the communities that depend upon them. This has proven especially difficult during the continued economic malaise. Morgan Stanley have deployed a large number of professionals throughout the country over the last few months who have provided strategic advice to nonprofits on a pro bono basis. These services are designed to help nonprofit fundraising organisations with their services, expansion and related obstacles.

The teams who have been out in the field will then report back on their findings. Their initial work will go toward determining recommendations for nonprofit organisations to receive grants to assist them in implementing the strategies that have been discussed. An onstage ceremony will take place today (June 15) to award three special grants to the winning nonprofits based upon the meetings and research that have taken place. CEO and President James Gorman will present the awards of $25,000, $15,000 and $10,000 to the winners selected from a shortlist.

Those 15 organisations that made the shortlist come from a broad cross-section of the nonprofit sector representing organisations that focus on job training, education, wildlife conservation, improved childhood nutrition and others. The teams will present their final recommendations before nonprofit and private sector leaders plus nonprofit consultants in an on-stage competition on June 15. James Gorman will present the grants to the three winning nonprofits to implement the recommended strategies. Those finalists were selected from amongst hundreds of nonprofits that the actively partners with.

The previous two events resulted in Morgan Stanley providing thousands of hours of consulting advice with an overall value in excess of $1 million to 21 different nonprofits to help them better manage their challenges. Here is the list of this year’s finalists:

Episcopal Social Services
Feeding America
Green Chimneys
Hispanic Scholarship Fund
Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual & Transgender Community Center
Olana Partnership
Only Make Believe
Reach the World
Sponsors for Educational Opportunity
Sustainable South Bronx
Upwardly Global
VOICES of September 11
Wildlife Conservation Society
Women’s Initiative

I was really impressed by the innovation behind this CSR initiative as natural use of the core competency of the company and provides tangible services to a broad range of nonprofits. Check the Morgan Stanley site to find out who the winners were!

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One response to “Morgan Stanley to once again provide consulting grants to selected nonprofits”

  1. Sheilu Sreenivasan says:

    I have a very highly challenging strategy problem in reaching out to a market segment which is absolutely ignored and neglected in India.
    How am I to go about obtaining Morgan Stanley consultations…I badly need a breakthrough and currently choking..

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