National Philanthropy Day 2010 is Monday November 15

At Miratel Solutions we take our role in providing fundraising services to large nonprofits very seriously as it is a source of great pride for us and results for our clients. As such we are a proud business member of the Association of Fundraising Professionals (AFP) and therefore we couldn’t let today pass without mentioning that Monday November 15th is National Philanthropy Day. Philanthropy is one of the most encouraging symbols of our society and the generosity of the public and businesses alike in helping causes with donations, gifts and volunteerism is always uplifting to see, hear and be involved with. Just like the needs of those less fortunate, philanthropy is a round the clock, year-round event – thus so very appropriately punctuated by a day of recognition.

National Philanthropy Day is specifically reserved to recognise and offer tribute to the overall contributions that philanthropy and the millions of people involved in the community bring to enrich our society, our communities, our neighbours, friends and families and of course ourselves. In so many circumstances the spirit of giving brings life, recovery, optimism and hope but most purposefully constituted it can bring opportunity – perhaps the most cherished gift of all for those who previously saw none.


We celebrate National Philanthropy Day because of the extraordinary impact of the charitable sector and the increasing role it plays in our societies and countries around the world. Billions of dollars are given every year. Millions of programs and services administered to those in needs. Individuals are connected to cause, and to each other. Civic participation, and important societal bonds, are created and strengthened through philanthropy as we work to improve the quality of life for all people.

2010 marks the 50th anniversary of the Association of Fundraising Professionals from whom the above quote is taken and also the 25th anniversay of the day itself. There is an exciting day in store on Monday and chances are you are near a local event throughout Canada and the United States. Beginning today (Nov 12th) over 125 events are scheduled including luncheons, festivals and workshops and will be continuing throughout the next nine days, you can learn more about many of the scheduled events via the 2010 calendar provided by the AFP.

In all over 50,000 people in North America will be participating in these events and I hope you can be one of them. Please follow this link to learn much more about National Philanthropy Day 2010. Thank you.


The 2010 National Philanthropy Day video

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