Online Fundraising for smaller organizations is getting easier, more affordable

Online fundraising stories that are interesting are a bit like London buses, you wait ages for one and then two or three come along at once. No worries however, I think this one is also worth a look as it a new service being provided by an established and reputable web company and accomplishes something for smaller nonprofits inexpensively and efficiently. I do feel that is a key advantage for smaller organizations in the very immediate future (or in this case now) that a charity can now create a fundraising profile online for donations that looks sleek, is easy to operate and creates all important trust for donors who use the tool. Not long ago a smaller nonprofit with a very limited budget couldn’t realistically enter into online fundraising as the setup costs could far overshadow the potential return, that’s no longer the case and is another reason why migration to online fundraising will close some of those gaps so they barely even exist. has been a leader in the world of professional DIY website creation for event planning since 2003 and have always specialised in events such as class reunions, weddings, graduations and various other special events. The ease of using the software combined with affordability has resulted in more than 50,000 websites being constructed for events from the humble to the largest. This week the company launched ‘Personal Fundraising Pages’ with fully integration for online fundraising that can be part of any website built on their platform. They’ve launched a page which offers a demonstation, live customer support via phone or online chat in addition to email support within 24 hours. The company feel this matches up with their existing services well and will help online fundraising grow while offering very manageable costs to nonprofits who are scheduling an event and look to promote it online and collect funds via the same medium.

At present online fundraising growth is dominated by the largest nonprofits but tools such as this are priced so that smaller orgs will be able to develop the same online presence. I can only expect significant growth in these field and a diversity of choices can only benefit the industry, I would recommend that nonprofits look at the history and stability of the internet firm able to offer such services however, with opportunity also comes opportunists, online fundraising on a smaller scale may take some time to weed out companies that are here in May and gone by August. So be careful.

The fundraising page allows you to make a custom site for online fundraising (click to enlarge)

I’ve no such concerns with however and the fundraising pages will allow you to create a donation page that includes video, photographs, text and testimonials to help convey your message. Different packages will allow donations to be accepted, event or lottery tickets to be sold, online auctions or sponsorship for sports events or similar.  Pricing is contingent upon the depth of choices needed but are very affordable. Monthly fees are offered if a special one time event is planned or 1,3 and 5 year contracts work our to be far less expensive if a consistent online fundraising profile is needed. My feeling is that the years of expertise that bring to your site makes it a very viable opportunity for organizations that are looking to improve their funding on a local basis or perhaps have an annual event that needs something special to heighten awareness. If you’ve ever used the services of the company or decide to give this a try I’d be thrilled to hear from you about it here on the blog.

You can learn far more about fundraising pages at by following this link.

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