Raise your Pant Leg and “Lend Your Leg” for Landmine Awareness Today

Notable figures from the late Princess Dianna to actress Angelina Jolie have worked to draw attention and increase awareness about the issues surrounding landmines. Last year on April 4, thousands of Colombians made a political statement by raising one of their pant legs while they went about their daily lives. The statement was one against landmines. They chose April 4th because it is the United Nations Day for Mine Action and Mine Awareness. The pant leg raising gesture was to show solidarity with those who have been injured by landmines and to help encourage more countries to sign the Mine Ban Treaty.lend-your-leg-landmine-awareness

The Mine Ban Treaty [MBT] was made possible by “the Ottawa Process [which] was an unprecedented diplomatic process initiated by Canada that led to the adoption, signing, and entry-into-force of the 1997 MBT.” The MBT is an international legally binding agreement that bans antipersonnel mines. An astounding 159 states have signed the MBT and an additional 37 have not.

“The treaty is the most comprehensive international instrument for ridding the world of the scourge of mines. When they join the Mine Ban Treaty, states commit to:

  • Never use antipersonnel mines, nor to “develop, produce, otherwise acquire, stockpile, retain or transfer” them;
  • Destroy mines in their stockpiles within four years;
  • Clear mines in suspected or known mined areas in their territory, within 10 years;
  • In mine-affected countries, conduct risk education and ensure that mine survivors, their families and communities receive comprehensive assistance;
  • Offer assistance to other States Parties, for example in providing for survivors or contributing to clearance programs; and
  • Adopt national implementation measures (such as national legislation) in order to ensure that the terms of the treaty are upheld in their territory.”

For those unfamiliar with the term an antipersonnel landmine cannot be aimed nor can it distinguish between a solider and civilian as it detonates automatically. When they are activated landmines leave nothing but death and devastation in their wake. Last year, some 5,000 deaths by landmines were recorded. That number does not include those whose lives were changed in an instant due to the severe injury they suffered because of a landmine. These deaths and injuries could have been avoided and landmines need to be abolished.

Anyone wanting to stand up and raise awareness about landmines can go to lendyourleg.org and sign up to “lend their leg.” As of March 27 approximately 31 Canadians have lent their legs to the cause with 844 total legs being involved globally. You can log in with Facebook or Twitter when you join the cause to help spread the word. Knowledge is power, and in this age of social media you can easily spread that knowledge with just a few clicks – what better way to influence change?

Lending your leg is a simple and easy way to join the fight to make landmines obsolete. Stand up against this injustice by raising your pant leg today, April 4th and spreading the word to your network.


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