Southwest Airlines align CSR with Make-A-Wish Foundation via novel use of social media

Southwest Airlines have launched a creative way to introduce their millions of customers to a charitable cause in a practical way involving social media. This level of creativity is a very tangible way for a company to demonstrate their commitment to CSR in an interactive way that could make a difference of up to $300,000 to the Make-A-Wish foundation. The airline are contributing the funds towards travel costs for the foundation via a simple process where Southwest customers use their mobile phone to check in for flights using Facebook Places.

All that the customer needs to do is use their smart phone to check-in with the application, share their location and claim the transaction. As a southwest-make-a-wish-fundraising-partnershipresult of that process Southwest Airlines will donate one dollar each time a passenger checks in. This is perhaps the first large-scale use of Facebook Places that I’ve seen a company yet take and is sure to stimulate other ideas for a company to both effectively manage and engage their social commitments directly with their customer base. Southwest Airlines have been pioneers with social media and their simple processes (with the best possible definition of simple) have always shown great favour from the flying public. The airline’s early advances into social media have resulted in over 1 million Facebook and Twitter followers so the step into using the forum to accelerate their Corporate Social Responsibility approach was a natural transition.

David Williams the CEO of Make-A-Wish foundation of America explains:

“The Make-A-Wish Foundation is proud to join Southwest Airlines in making wishes come true through this campaign.By checking in on Facebook Places at the airport when they travel, Southwest Customers can give the gift of travel to children with life-threatening medical conditions. We appreciate the support of Southwest Airlines and everyone who takes part in the campaign.”

Linda Rutherford, Southwest Airlines VP of Communication stated:

“With the holidays right around the corner, we know many of our Customers like to find ways to give back to their communities and others in need. With this special offer, we are able to help make wishes come true for seriously ill children on behalf of our Facebook fans,”

I like the story as it shows the ever-increasing potential of partnering technology and social media with your customers to engage in making a very positive difference in the community. I’m sure the program will prove to be a success (it runs until December 25th) and hopefully will be an annual occurrence for both the airline and foundation.

To learn more about the program’s specifics please visit the Southwest promotions page online.

To learn more about the Make-A-Wish Foundation please visit their homepage.

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