Take part in the Canadian Cancer Society Lottery today

In our second installment of looking at local non-profits here in Ontario we would like to turn the spotlight today toward an organization that we are proud to have worked with for the last nine years on variolottery-management-services-fundraising-servicesus fundraising initiatives including their annual lottery, ‘Relay For Life’ and the recent ‘City Fights Cancer Telethon’ that took place September 10, 2010. The Canadian Cancer Society was originally conceived in the 1920’s and the society formed in 1938 and has provided more than seventy years of dedication to research in seeking cures for the disease and improved treatment and research. Their official mission reads:

“The Canadian Cancer Society is a national, community-based organization of volunteers whose mission is the eradication of cancer and the enhancement of the quality of life of people living with cancer”

As for their vision it is stark in its simplicity:

“Creating a world where no Canadian fears cancer”

The Canadian Cancer Society is a private non-profit organization, funded by donations from the public and money raised exclusively via fundraising activities. The Canadian Cancer Society would not be able to offer these services or fund important research without the generous help of donors and volunteers. Our association with the society has included providing lottery management services in Ontario, New Brunswick and Newfoundland. The annual lotteries are a huge stimulus in the fundraising activities for the society and continue to grow each year. In 2009 in Ontario the lottery brought in excess of $29 million in contributions which represented over 12% of all the funds raised in our province.

Thus the timing for today’s post is rather apt as the deadline for eligibility for the early bonus prize in their 2010 Llottery-management-fundraising-servicesottery is tonight (Friday Sep 17th) at midnight. The lottery once again offers tickets for $100 each or a special 3-pack for $250 with 1 in 5 odds of being a prize winner. Most importantly it’s a win-win situation as even if you don’t win a prize, all net proceeds from ticket purchases go directly to the society to continue their wonderful work of fighting a disease which sadly so many of us can relate to. Envisioning a world without cancer is a shared goal for all people and with the continued funding of vital research we are getting closer to achieving that as a society. While prevention and treatment results continue to improve the biggest prize of all would be a cure being found in our lifetime.

The lottery in 2010 is the most exciting one yet with thousands of amazing prizes on offer including:

  • 3 Mega Grand Prizes each for $1 million in cash
  • 4 Cash and Car Grand Prize Packages
  • 5 Grand Prizes of $100,000 each
  • 10 early bird prizes of $50,000 each
  • 10 car prizes
  • other cash and elecronic prizes

Full information is on the lottery website which details the prizes and all of the lottery deadlines. The Canadian Cancer Society looks to the public to join their mission to ‘Fight Back’ which is also the name of the wonderfully informative website that the organization runs. There you can learn how to volunteer and get involved but as importantly the site provides some of the most sobering statistics imaginable:

  • 1 out of 4 Canadians are expected to die from Cancer
  • 76,000 cancer-related deaths in 2010 are estimated
  • 1,470 cancer-related deaths every week
  • 3,340 cases diagnosed every week
  • 40% of women and 45% of men will develop cancer
  • Every 3 minutes another Canadian is faced with fighting cancer

The thought of helping to improve these results is surely motivation to take part in this year’s lottery here in Ontario and we hope you are able to help. To order Canadian Cancer Society lottery tickets in Ontario please call Toll Free 1 866 727-2025. To purchase lottery tickets online please visit this site which also provides far more information about the lottery and prizes. To learn more about The Canadian Cancer Society we encourage you to visit the ‘Fight Back’ site referenced above or please visit their official online headquarters.

Thank You – Tim and everyone at Miratel Solutions.


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