There’s still time to submit videos for the 2015 DoGooder Video Awards

Regular readers of the Miratel Blog will probably already be fully aware of the DoGooder Video Awards and if you knew of them before reading about them here then all the better. This year sees the 9th Annual incarnation of the awards which continue to grow and go from strength to strength through the years.

The high profile of the awards are helped by the collaborating arms of YouTube, See3 and the Nonprofit Technology Network which help bring the entire project to as large of an audience as possible. In short the awards promote the nonprofit sector through the use of video and if you visit the ‘dailydogooder’ page you can get a quick taste of the excellent cause raising video content or indeed visit our earlier post about previous winners in 2013 if you’d like to view more videos.

2015-dogooder-video-awards-nonprofit-fundraisingThis year promises to see the entire event taken to a higher plane as DoGooder have harnessed the power (and online appeal) of some of YouTube’s biggest stars in terms of audience. Each of these individuals have donated their time and the potential impact of their audience to the DoGooder cause and if you’re a huge YouTube fan you’ll likely know a few of these already, supporters include; Hannah Hart (MyDrunkKitchen), John and Hank Green (VlogBrothers), Felix Kjelberg (PewDiePie), Franchesca Ramsey (chescaleigh), Tyler Oakley, Connor Franta and Laci Green. Collectively this group have millions of followers to their YouTube channels (linked above) which is sure to help spread the word this year.

There are four different submission categories to enter videos within:

  • Impactx Award | A video + short essay category for creators who want to describe the impact their video had on their cause.
  • Best Nonprofit Video Award | Awarded to the best overall video created by a nonprofit organization.
  • Funny for Good Award | For those creators who are doing good with a sense of humor.
  • DoGooder YouTube Creator for Good Award | Recognizing the efforts of YouTube Creators who used their talents for storytelling to support a nonprofit or social causes.

The video below helps to explain much more about this years competition and I sincerely hope you can help to spread the word via your own social media channels to help it be the most successful DoGooder Video Awards to date. Please act soon as the deadline for submissions ends on February 8th with voting beginning on the 17th for a two week period. If you don’t have time to create and submit a video be sure to take part in the voting process.


You can learn much more about official rules, deadlines and review a useful set of FAQs at the official DoGooder 2015 website.

Miratel Solutions is a Toronto call centreeBusiness, and letter shop mail house specializing in professional fundraising services including inbound telephone fundraisingoutbound telephone fundraisingonline fundraisinglottery fundraising servicesdonation processing and receipting and direct mail fundraising services. We are committed to our CSR business values in all our business decisions  and advancing the missions of the nonprofits we proudly serve.

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