We are proud of our CSR business values and regularly like to highlight other like-minded companies who share our ideals. As we head into the season of giving, today we are going to feature two CSR business endeavorus that are redefining doing just...
November 27, 2014 Read MoreThrift shops, resale stores or charity shops call them what you will but the thrift store is a very significant revenue stream for nonprofit fundraising that we rarely have cause to discuss here on the blog. Let's look at the...
August 26, 2014 Read MoreVanity Fair’s The New Establishment 2013 was broken into two lists this year: “The Powers That Be” and “The Disrupters” and it serves as a power list of the elite from a cross-section of industries and genres. Today I'm going...
October 25, 2013 Read MoreThis is the second part of a 2-part post I began on Wednesday that featured the celebrities that placed in spots 20-11 in the DoSomething.org 20 Top Celebs Gone Good in 2012 list. As I mentioned in Part 1, celebrity involvement...
January 11, 2013 Read MoreIn Part 1, I wrote about some of the celebrity nonprofit fundraising efforts in support of Hurricane Sandy relief and today I am continuing with Part 2 by featuring more stars, organizations and media conglomerates helping to raise funds and spread...
December 7, 2012 Read MoreHurricane Sandy hit the United States East Coast very hard with the worst of it hitting the New York and New Jersey areas. Since then many celebrities have given their money, time and talent to help aid in the relief...
November 21, 2012 Read MoreCombining celebrities and philanthropy is not a new concept but it does seem that it’s becoming more and more prevalent which is a good thing. I previously wrote about this in the 20 Celebrities Doing Good to Benefit Nonprofit Fundraising...
August 1, 2012 Read MoreI recently came across the Forbes 2012 World's Most Powerful Celebrity 100 list and it got me thinking of the quote from the famous French philosopher Voltaire “with great power comes great responsibility.” We expect those to whom much is...
July 4, 2012 Read MoreI began this post with Part 1 on Tuesday and I am continuing with more nonprofit fundraising Digital Marketing tips from the 2012 eNonprofit Benchmarks Study. The report, composed by M+R Strategic Services and Nonprofit Technology Network (NTEN) takes a look at the initiatives and...
May 3, 2012 Read MoreI regularly write about the many nonprofit fundraising research, reports and studies which provide insightful information about various aspects of fundraising, engagement and industry developments/trends. As digital marketing is growing at rapid speeds, it’s important for nonprofits to keep abreast...
May 1, 2012 Read More© Copyright 2025, All Rights Reserved. Website developed by GrayCyan.com