
10 Top Celebrity Charity Auctions

Last year there was a new nonprofit fundraising trend - the celebrity auction - and we featured a few of them here on the Miratel blog like the Chelsea Lately Auction for Human Rights Campaign, Grammy Musicians Online Nonprofit Fundraising Auction and The...

March 29, 2013 Read More

10 Most Charitable Celebrities

The nonprofit fundraising and awareness efforts of celebrities is something that I have been writing about in posts like the 10 Most Charitable Celebrities from the 2013 Oscar nominees, the top 20 Celebrity Gone Good Part 1 (and Part 2), the 5 Celebrity Charity Events by...

March 8, 2013 Read More

One Million Bookprints For One Million Books CSR Business Program Gets Celebrity Launch

Scholastic Book Clubs have kicked off a genius CSR business  program titled One Million Bookprints For One Million Books. With the participation of A-list celebrities, the program will donate one book to a child in need for every bookprint created on

January 27, 2012 Read More

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