
10 Best Countries for Entrepreneurs in the World

The Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) has ranked the ten best countries for entrepreneurs. The OECD’s mission is to “is to promote policies that will improve the economic and social well-being of people around the world.” The purpose of this...

May 16, 2012 Read More

Putting responsibility into CSR should be an expectation

When you define exactly what corporate responsibility entails a certain piece of the expectation must align itself with preparation and studies specific to the industry concerned. While I wanted to write about a new study released by the Pew Environment...

November 16, 2010 Read More

Can CSR be mandatory? India passes law that will do just that

Regular visitors to the blog will know we're always interested in innovative approaches to CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) and how companies integrate their methodologies within their operations in an effective manner. A story that I read today perhaps turns CSR...

October 28, 2010 Read More

Dow Jones Sustainability Index has become the benchmark of benchmarks

The Dow Jones Sustainability Index (or DJSI) has become for the right reasons a fairly exclusive club of only 318 companies globally, you may recall it was significant news when BP were removed from the index in June of this...

September 29, 2010 Read More

CSR survey provides surprising information about young people

Corporate Social Responsibility CSR is is still a relatively new concept and has certainly been in widespread use for less than a decade, despite that it's growing in importance for just how a company does business whether considering their sourcing,...

September 2, 2010 Read More

Any silver lining from the BP disaster seems very tainted

For over two months now like so many other people I've been waiting for some good news to come from the BP oil rig disaster in the Gulf of Mexico. It's been one of those events that I think we'll...

August 4, 2010 Read More

Has BP mismanaged their CSR down to the deepest depths?

We've looked at length at the value in a company developing an organized approach to CSR - Corporate Social Responsibility. The planning stages are as valuable as the implementation and maintenance of the projects, guidelines and practices you attune your...

June 3, 2010 Read More

Can BP maintain high CSR rating in wake of oil leak disaster?

Unless you've completely avoided the news for the last two weeks you have certainly been aware of the massive oil leak in the Gulf of Mexico. Following an explosion, fire and sinking of the off-shore rig operated by BP (British...

May 7, 2010 Read More

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