For over two months now like so many other people I've been waiting for some good news to come from the BP oil rig disaster in the Gulf of Mexico. It's been one of those events that I think we'll...
August 4, 2010 Read MoreI don't really understand the situation that Nike have recently placed themselves in when it comes to Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR). This is a company that understood the very nature of their industry (products primarily made in third world nations...
July 27, 2010 Read More"Its fun to stay at the Y - 'silence' " --- not quite as catchy to sing along to but the YMCA has announced it will be dropping letters M,C and A from their official name and will soon be...
July 15, 2010 Read MorePositioning your non profit to maximize the potential of higher public awareness has never been so easy, or so difficult, it all depends on your research and preparation. Over the last 3 years twitter has emerged as one of the...
June 29, 2010 Read MoreI'm a firm subscriber to the statement that 'history repeats itself' and its cousin quotation 'we can learn everything from history'. Both apply in equal measure whether you are looking at civilizations, politics, cultural fads or indeed economics. With such...
June 8, 2010 Read MoreFor baseball fans the winter months are tortuous, and as we move closer to Major League Baseball opening day, let us look at social responsibility in sports, focusing on baseball. The first team to be profiled will be my team,...
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