
Blackbaud Index shows nonprofit fundraising heading into a slow summer of growth

The May Blackbaud Index for nonprofit data has just been released and the nonprofit fundraising results continue to demonstrate that the sector is still showing modest growth versus 2013. Considering that we're measuring a very large sample of data via the Blackbaud report which...

July 8, 2014 Read More

M+R Benchmarks Report reveals email and social media trends for nonprofits

Welcome back to the blog, from time to time there are nonprofit fundraising studies released that contain so much information that it is impossible to review all of the findings in a single blog post. Such is the case with...

May 13, 2014 Read More

Nonprofit fundraising showing signs of plateau per Blackbaud Index

The new Blackbaud nonprofit fundraising index report for March has just been published and as I wrote last month the trend for continued diminishing growth has once again been reported for the rolling three-month period. Overall year-to-year growth softened into negative territory...

May 8, 2014 Read More

What the end of net neutrality could mean to nonprofits (and everyone else)

Chances are you've seen or heard a few headlines concerning the potential reversal of 'net neutrality' and while the topic seems to border on the tech-heavy side it could in fact entirely change the internet as we know it and...

May 6, 2014 Read More

M+R 2014 Benchmarks study reveals valuable information about online fundraising

Gaining a better understanding of how donors and supporters interact with nonprofits is key in the world of fundraising. Although not the biggest report compiled, the annual M+R / NTen study provides a wealth of data that I would encourage...

May 1, 2014 Read More

What can established nonprofits learn from the success of crowdsourcing?

Crowdsourcing is a growing phenomenon that we write about from time-to-time on the blog as this method of online fundraising and networking has quickly become an important way to build momentum, funding and awareness for a given cause. I think...

April 24, 2014 Read More

5 tips to ease your transition to the new Twitter profile

We're here to help you keep current with major changes to social media when managing strategies to promote your nonprofit fundraising organization online. Whether you're looking to attract new donors or communicate with existing ones, chances are that Twitter is...

April 22, 2014 Read More

Mobile-optimized or mobile-ready, don’t lose nonprofit fundraising donors by choosing the wrong one

If you haven't noticed yet a technology stampede is taking place and it looks set to continue. Nonprofits both large and small are urgently looking to convert their websites to be user-friendly on mobile devices if they haven't done do...

April 18, 2014 Read More

Google Hangouts provides an ideal platform to discuss achievements or goals of your nonprofit

Today I wanted to look at a tool that is a natural fit for your nonprofit organization and allow you to broadcast deep and rich information which I see being increasingly used to great success elsewhere: Google Hangouts. As we...

April 15, 2014 Read More

What do your Twitter connections say about your nonprofit?

Have you ever asked yourself what the accounts you follow on Twitter says to your potential audience about your nonprofit organization, your mission or your brand? If it's a question you've never pondered I'd suggest you give it some consideration,...

April 10, 2014 Read More

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