
Defining the value of excellent customer service is key

If you've ever wondered whether the actual value of excellent customer service can be properly measured you'll be sure to find these results as interesting as I did. We value our entire team at Miratel and place great emphasis in...

April 1, 2010 Read More

New Poll shows CSR leaping in importance for customers & consumers in 2010

A brave new post-recessionary world has changed the daily habits and thoughts of many people throughout the world. I'm actually refreshed that from the difficulty of the last few years the empowered consumer or customer is saying quite categorically that...

March 31, 2010 Read More

Toronto Blue Jays Embody Social Responsibility

For baseball fans the winter months are tortuous, and as we move closer to Major League Baseball opening day, let us look at social responsibility in sports, focusing on baseball. The first team to be profiled will be my team,...

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Gains in market, spending, and production leaves many asking “Where are the jobs?”

Less than a quarter of the way into 2010 economists are feeling quite bullish about indicators that the market and thus the economy can be trusted again. While these positive signs plus growth in consumer spending all lead to a...

March 29, 2010 Read More

Meatless Monday with Favourite Couscous Salad

Happy Meatless Monday!  As you may or may not know, Miratel supports the Meatless Monday campaign which is a non-profit initiative in association with the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health.  The purpose of the program is to reduce...

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Will Jumo become the fundraising equivalent of Facebook?

Even if you try to, ignoring the impact that social media plays in 2010 is almost impossible if not bordering on the naive. It might be as simple as arranging a birthday party or as complex as getting a political...

March 26, 2010 Read More

Poll reveals what consumers most want…….is Value

At the heart of our business goals is the objective of providing value - value in our services both in terms of cost effectiveness, value in terms of client retention, value in terms of our expertise leading to innovative solutions...

March 24, 2010 Read More

CSR sweetens Pepsi and Coke – A Tale of Two Colas (Part 2 Pepsi)

In my initial post I continued looking at the different levels of commitments some of our largest corporations are making in terms of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and turned the spotlight on the two giant soft drink corporations Pepsi and...

March 23, 2010 Read More

Meatless Monday With Paula Deen and Garden Full of Goodness Lasagna

Welcome back for another Meatless Monday recipe.  As you may or may not know, we support the Meatless Monday campaign – a non-profit initiative in association with the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health.  It's part of an eco-friendly...

March 22, 2010 Read More

Canada sends warning signs to G20 about global economic recovery

We've been peppered with primarily buoyant news in recent months about the changes and trends being seen in the economy based on final results for 2009 and the early indicators for 2010. A market that was staggered by a loss...

March 18, 2010 Read More

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