
Campbell’s soup(er) approach to Corporate Social Responsibility

We're always on the look out for everyday brands (or corporations) lending more focus to their Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and taking an active role in improving their community and the world in general. As more and more companies see...

March 16, 2010 Read More

Zappos bring call center agents into foreground, by way of puppets

I wrote last week that demonstrating that your call center provides exceptional customer service is the single best way to combat the stigma that can be attached to the industry when you only tend to hear about customers who have...

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Meatless Monday with Navy Bean and Vegetable Gratin

Happy Meatless Monday!  As you may or may not know, Miratel supports the Meatless Monday campaign which is a non-profit initiative in association with the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health.  The purpose of the program is to reduce...

March 14, 2010 Read More

Canadian banks begin to ease flow of credit again

More good news for the Canadian economy even if it needs to be viewed with mild caution. There are some relatively clear indicators that credit lines are beginning to thaw in the early weeks of 2010 especially when compared with...

February 18, 2010 Read More

Jack in The Box drive through order travels 11,000 miles

Outsourcing - it's a sensitive topic and often misunderstood -  there are a myriad of business applications where we can provide call center services both efficiently and competitively. However we provide near-shore services. Our strength is the market in which...

February 17, 2010 Read More

Walmart expands CSR benchmarking to include Canada

Corporate Social Responsibility is most decidedly on the agenda for more and more businesses within our rapidly evolving market. That can only be a good thing as it represents a change in corporate culture that was little more than a...

February 16, 2010 Read More

Meatless Monday with Giada De Laurentis and Pasta Primavera

Welcome back on Meatless Monday - this week we’re featuring popular Food Network host Giada De Laurentis.  Meatless Monday supports healthy eating and a healthier planet by suggesting people opt for plant-based meals one day a week.  The health benefits...

February 15, 2010 Read More

Ontario Economic Forecast for 2010

As a business wholly located in Ontario we focus on the economy of our province in conjunction with developments throughout North America.  The latest reports from CIBC show that Ontario's economy is predicted to outpace the national average this year...

February 11, 2010 Read More

Corporate Social Responsibility is about more than being ‘Green’ – part 2

If you haven't had the chance to read part one of this piece the link is here. Within that post I looked at how Corporate Social Responsibility has evolved over the last ten years, how companies chose to associate or...

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Where next? An offshore, nearshore and domestic debate (part one)

The general perception over the last decade is that multiple corporations have outsourced jobs offshore to save overhead and improve margins, if it was as simple as that wouldn't most businesses be looking at record profits and shareholders breaking down...

February 10, 2010 Read More

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