As a Toronto call centre, we are very aware of the many benefits of operating a business in our fair city. The technology, education system and multicultural makeup are ideal for any business looking to thrive in today’s market. We...
November 7, 2012 Read MoreI’ve taken to writing about how Canada is perceived globally and love when we represent well on relevant lists and a ranking involving sustainability is definitely relevant. In the past some of my posts have featured our great nation on...
November 2, 2012 Read MoreI am often write about lists and reports that I come across that rank Canada on the world’s stage. In the past some of these posts have featured the true north on lists such as the smartest countries, the happiest countries,...
October 24, 2012 Read MoreLast year I reported on the 2011 Toronto Vital Signs Report by the Toronto Community Foundation, an organization that “connects philanthropy with community needs and opportunities in order to make Toronto the best place to live, work, learn and grow”....
October 23, 2012 Read MoreI often write about reports where Canada (or one of its cities) ranks on a global scale in a variety of capacities. I have written about how we faired amongst the smartest countries, the happiest countries, the best countries for entrepreneurs, the best countries...
October 18, 2012 Read MoreI regularly write about lists and reports that rank how Canada is perceived globally and have featured our great country in posts such as the smartest countries, the happiest countries, the best countries for entrepreneurs, the best countries to live, the most competitive countries to do...
October 10, 2012 Read MoreI enjoy learning of reports where Canada ranks on the world stage. We sometimes get overlooked. Not that we mind - we don’t really want the attention but that doesn’t mean we don’t blow our own horn every once in...
October 5, 2012 Read MoreIn the past I’ve featured rankings that have recognized Canada on a global scale such as the smartest countries, the happiest countries, the best countries for entrepreneurs and the best countries to live. I’m continuing that trend today by seeing how Canada faired on...
September 28, 2012 Read MoreIn the past I’ve featured rankings that have recognized Canada or Toronto on a global scale such as the smartest countries, the happiest countries, the best countries for entrepreneurs, the best countries to live, best cities to live in the world, 15 Most Competitive Cities...
August 23, 2012 Read MoreAs a Canadian call centre based in Toronto, I find reports that rank Toronto or Canada on a global scale interesting. Such was the case with report rankings of the smartest countries, the happiest countries, the best countries for entrepreneurs and the best countries to...
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