
How does the NFL remain a nonprofit as 275,000 others lose their 501(c)3 status?

It is rather distressing to see the huge number of nonprofits in the US that have had their 501(c)3 status status revoked over the last year as a result of changing regulations and deeper analysis by the IRS. The 501(c)3...

October 16, 2014 Read More

New study ‘How America Gives’ provides huge insight into nonprofit fundraising changes

A brand new report via the Chronicle of Philanthropy takes an in-depth look at the relationship between nonprofit fundraising, donor earnings and contributions in the United States both pre and post recession and the findings are incredibly informative. There will...

October 15, 2014 Read More

3 Key Findings from customer service survey that nonprofits should heed

We've long wondered how much knowledge those involved in nonprofit fundraising could learn from benchmarking data about customer service that is acquired from industries outside of the charity sector. There is a great range of strong research about the satisfaction and...

October 14, 2014 Read More

5 Key Findings from 2014 Burk Donor Survey that are valuable for nonprofits

Many of the nonprofit fundraising surveys that come across our desks at Miratel focus on data compiled from the charities themselves, therefore I was keen to share some of the key findings from a survey that researches donors instead. The...

October 9, 2014 Read More

Kickstarter founder launches new nonprofit concept

It's always interesting to speculate about which new ideas and websites are likely to change the world of online fundraising forvever. Over the last five years I've written about some that have changed the landscape dramatically and others that seemed...

October 8, 2014 Read More

Blackbaud Index shows healthy nonprofit results and optimism for year end

A very warm welcome back to the Miratel blog and today sees the release of the monthly nonprofit fundraising report from Blackbaud that provides us with one of the most valuable overviews of the state of the nonprofit sector. The...

October 7, 2014 Read More

5 ways to make your year-end nonprofit campaign shine

Somehow we've suddenly arrived at October 1st, the beginning of the last quarter of the year and with just 3 months to go many nonprofits are heading into what is the most important time of the year. Year-end nonprofit fundraising...

October 2, 2014 Read More

Are nonprofits seeing increased corporate giving in healthier economic times?

Corporate giving to nonprofits is an important piece of nonprofit fundraising for charities but I was driven to find out just how a large a piece of the pie is raised via corporations. The results might surprise you as may...

October 1, 2014 Read More

5 great ways to encourage youth nonprofit volunteers

A few years ago I volunteered via my workplace to provide a few evenings help to the well-known nonprofit (the) Ronald McDonald House. Beyond it being a very enriching experience I was also pleased to see a small squad of...

September 30, 2014 Read More

4 key findings from new social media and nonprofit study

Today we wanted to share a really interesting report from Survey Monkey about the positive impact that social media is having on nonprofits and their audience - most specifically how beneficial the social media world has been in building awareness...

September 25, 2014 Read More

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