
10 Most Sustainable Global Retailers

Sustainability and CSR business values are becoming more important to corporations and it can also have an impact on consumer reaction to brands. The sustainability trend has even made its way to retailers who aren’t traditionally very forthcoming with information. CSR...

October 4, 2013 Read More

Strategies to Posting Nonprofit Fundraising Content to Social Media at the Best Times

As I have written about in our social media series for nonprofit fundraising, social media has evolved into key communication and engagement channels that are integrated into all successful digital marketing plans. As end-of-year fundraising plans are underway, I have recently wrote...

October 3, 2013 Read More

10 Best Countries for Entrepreneurship

As a privately-owned Canadian call centre, entrepreneurship in something we are great supporters of and are keenly interested to see how Canada ranks in this area amongst G20 countries. Previously I’ve explored how Canada ranks on the world stage in...

October 2, 2013 Read More

6 Tips for End-of-Year Nonprofit Fundraising Email Campaigns for Stronger Results

As we enter the last quarter of 2013 many nonprofit teams are finalizing their end-of-year fundraising plans and, in many cases, already executing them. In a year that has seen mixed nonprofit fundraising results according to Blackbaud with modest increases this is an...

October 1, 2013 Read More

Meatless Monday with Vegan Vegetable Quinoa Soup

Hello and welcome (back) for another entry in our vegan recipe share in honour of Meatless Monday. Miratel took the Meatless Monday pledge as it encourages eliminating meat from your diet one day per week to preserve the health of our...

September 30, 2013 Read More

10 Top Retailers for Carbon Productivity in North America

It is an ever-growing fact that sustainability and transparent CSR business values are becoming more important to consumers and it can even be a deciding factor as to where they spend their hard earned dollars. Unfortunately, retailers aren’t traditionally known...

September 27, 2013 Read More

Tips for Efficient Web Searching & Research for Nonprofits

As I have written in our social Media series for nonprofit fundraising, digital marketing initiatives have become a critical aspect of a nonprofit’s engagement and communication strategies and often can be time consuming for the most organized fundraiser or social media...

September 26, 2013 Read More

15 Best Countries with Most Competitive Economies

As a Canadian call centre we are interested to read rankings that reflect where Canada places on the world’s stage and I have featured this in posts like the best country to live, smartest countries, the happiest countries, the  most peaceful countries, the most...

September 25, 2013 Read More

4 Nonprofit Fundraising Insights from 2013 Donor Survey

I regularly spotlight reputable research that can provide insight into the state of the nonprofit fundraising landscape along with trends and initiatives implemented to strengthen fundraising results. Most recently these have included Nonprofit Challenges, What Foundations Can Do, 2013 Social Media Marketing...

September 24, 2013 Read More

Best Provinces in Canada According to Survey

I have featured how Canada ranks in various country reports like best country to live, the smartest countries, the happiest countries, the  most peaceful countries, the most sustainable countries, the friendliest countries, the most charitable countries, the most prosperous countries, the best countries for quality of life, the best...

September 20, 2013 Read More

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