
Annual Nonprofit Fundraising Study Reveals Donor Financial Uncertainty

The first quarter of the year generally results in a variety of nonprofit fundraising related research, many of which I spotlight on this blog. Most recently I have written about research like the 2013 Nonprofit Communications Trends Report, the 2012 State of...

April 9, 2013 Read More

Support International Day of Pink April 10th 2013 and Celebrate Diversity and Social Inclusion

Did you know that wearing pink could help take a stand against discrimination, bullying and homophobia? That is what the Canadian-born Day of Pink on April 10th, 2013 is aiming to accomplish. [caption id="attachment_14173" align="alignright" width="428"] courtesy of[/caption] The...

April 5, 2013 Read More

There is Reason for 2013 Nonprofit Fundraising Optimism According to Latest Blackbaud Index Results

The Blackbaud Index continues to be a reliable source for current data on nonprofit fundraising as it provides a broad glimpse into how organizations (of varying size and sectors) are performing which serves as a benchmark to compare results. Recently I...

April 4, 2013 Read More

Email Marketing Affects Nonprofits Fundraising Results According to Latest Report

I often write about various research and reports covering many aspects of nonprofit fundraising such as the latest Blackbaud Index, the 2012 State of The Nonprofit Industry and the Charitable Giving Report - How Nonprofit Fundraising Performed in 2012 to name a few. I...

April 2, 2013 Read More

Meatless Monday with Zucchini and Ricotta Shells

Hello and welcome (back) to the Miratel blog for the latest instalment of our Meatless Monday recipe series. The Meatless Monday pledge aims to reduce meat consumption 15% by eliminating it one day per week to improve personal and planetary health. Miratel...

April 1, 2013 Read More

10 Top Celebrity Charity Auctions

Last year there was a new nonprofit fundraising trend - the celebrity auction - and we featured a few of them here on the Miratel blog like the Chelsea Lately Auction for Human Rights Campaign, Grammy Musicians Online Nonprofit Fundraising Auction and The...

March 29, 2013 Read More

Understanding Facebook’s Analytics for Stronger Nonprofit Fundraising & Community Engagement

There are many benefits for nonprofit fundraising in maintaining a presence on Facebook and many ways of maximizing that presence which I have highlighted in our Social Media Series posts like 7 Facebook Page Set-Up Tips for Nonprofit Fundraising and 6 Facebook Considerations...

March 28, 2013 Read More

Nonprofit Fundraising Gets a Boost from Government Tax Credit

I have often written about the state of nonprofit fundraising according to various industry research, surveys and data in posts like the Blackbaud Index Indicates Slow Nonprofit Fundraising Recovery in 2013, 2012 Nonprofit Fundraising Trends According to Industry Report and 5 Communication Trends...

March 26, 2013 Read More

Meatless Monday with Gluten-free Eggplant Cannelloni

Hello and welcome (back) to the Miratel blog for our weekly meat-free Meatless Monday recipe share. We took the Meatless Monday pledge to support reducing meat consumption 15% by eliminating it one day per week for planetary health. We consider our support...

March 25, 2013 Read More

10 Top Celebrity Salaries from Parade Magazine and their Philanthropy

Parade Magazine’s annual jobs survey has been published and they’ve shared the salaries of some of the world’s favorite stars. With help of Look to the Stars and other resources, today I’m looking at the philanthropic efforts of 10 of...

March 22, 2013 Read More

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