
10 Celebrities Doing Interesting Things to Change the World

The philanthropic efforts of celebrities are noteworthy due to the media attention these stars garner. I regularly highlight the charitable work of the rich and famous because it can be overlooked in favour of the scandalous or salacious behaviour that...

March 1, 2013 Read More

Pinterest and Instagram Can Help Maximize Nonprofit Fundraising and Donor Engagement Efforts

I often write about the latest social media statistics, research and trends as they are important for digital nonprofit fundraising and engagement planning which has been the focus of our Social Media Series. Most recently I wrote about this in posts...

February 28, 2013 Read More

Nonprofit Fundraising Insight from Next Gen Donors Research Guide

I recently wrote about 4 Key Findings to Benefit Nonprofit Fundraising Planning from the Next Gen Donors Report released by 21/64 and the Dorothy A Johnson Center for Philanthropy. This research examined the current behaviour and future outlook of young philanthropists...

February 26, 2013 Read More

Meatless Monday with Vegan Brandade of White Beans with Baby Artichokes

Hello and welcome (back) to the Miratel blog for our weekly Meatless Monday recipe share. We took the Meatless Monday pledge to support reducing meat consumption 15% by eliminating it one day per week for planetary health. We consider our support of...

February 25, 2013 Read More

10 Most Charitable Stars from the 2013 Oscar Nominees

With the Oscars being this coming Sunday, I thought it was a good time to explore the nonprofit fundraising and awareness outreach work of some of the 2013 nominees as we did with the 2012 Oscar nominees. I actually often write...

February 22, 2013 Read More

Applying Benchmark Study on Social Care to Nonprofit Fundraising Donor Relations

I have written extensively about Social Media for nonprofit fundraising and today I am writing about a new term, “Social Care” that is quickly being adopted by both for-profit and nonprofit organizations and is being combined with traditional “customer service”. The importance...

February 21, 2013 Read More

4 Key Findings to Benefit Nonprofit Fundraising Planning from The Next Gen Donors Report

Towards the end of 2012, I wrote about boosting nonprofit fundraising and engagement results by targeting 3 key Demographics and one of those demographics were the younger generation. I had already featured research from the Millennial Donors Report Part 1  (and...

February 19, 2013 Read More

Meatless Monday with Spinach and Black Bean Lasagna

Welcome to another Meatless Monday recipe share here on our blog. Miratel took the Meatless Monday pledge to reduce meat consumption 15% by eliminating it one day per week to preserve planetary health. We consider our support part of our  CSR business strategies...

February 18, 2013 Read More

6 Considerations for a Nonprofit Social Media Policy

I recently wrote about 5 Tips on Growing Nonprofit Social Media Communities with Staff and Volunteers and one of those tips was on establishing a policy to ensure there is control maintained over content and interactions between the ambassadors (staff and...

February 14, 2013 Read More

1 Billion Rising to End Violence Against Women February 14th, 2013

It is a startling and sobering fact that one in three women in the world will be raped or beaten in her lifetime. Here in Canada, over 50% of women by the age of 16 will have experienced at least...

February 13, 2013 Read More

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