
Yelp Foundation selects 2014 nonprofit grant winners

The digital age has seen the rapid rise of many companies but one that stands out in their support of nonprofits in addition to being useful to almost anyone seeking user reviews of businesses online is Yelp. If you've ever...

October 28, 2014 Read More

How does the NFL remain a nonprofit as 275,000 others lose their 501(c)3 status?

It is rather distressing to see the huge number of nonprofits in the US that have had their 501(c)3 status status revoked over the last year as a result of changing regulations and deeper analysis by the IRS. The 501(c)3...

October 16, 2014 Read More

New study ‘How America Gives’ provides huge insight into nonprofit fundraising changes

A brand new report via the Chronicle of Philanthropy takes an in-depth look at the relationship between nonprofit fundraising, donor earnings and contributions in the United States both pre and post recession and the findings are incredibly informative. There will...

October 15, 2014 Read More

Nonprofit Fundraising Results in Metropolitan Areas According to How America Gives

Last week I wrote about interesting findings and highlights from the Chronicle of Philanthropy’s How America Gives nonprofit fundraising report. Today, I’m highlighting the results from the report specifically from two case studies of lower performing cities which nonprofits can learn...

October 11, 2012 Read More

Highlights of Nonprofit Fundraising Results by State According to How America Gives Report

I recently wrote about The Chronicle of Philanthropy’s newest nonprofit fundraising report How America Gives which reflected results that considered political affiliation, religion and the impact of government incentives. The report is extensive and provides a detailed breakdown based on 2008...

October 4, 2012 Read More

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