
Poll suggests government missing green opportunities

A new survey conducted by McAllister Opinion Research sends a clear signal that governments everywhere need to work more in concert with business decision makers, scientists and internal departments to take more positive changes to address climate change. The results...

July 29, 2010 Read More

Nike CSR – Just Do It, amid calls for them to Just Pay It

I don't really understand the situation that Nike have recently placed themselves in when it comes to Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR). This is a company that understood the very nature of their industry (products primarily made in third world nations...

July 27, 2010 Read More

Customer Service poll shows email can be a soft spot in providing excellence

Customer service remains an area where every good business understands the importance it holds and yet some very avoidable mistakes still occur. Refining your customer service processes and skills is a key component in the success of any business but...

July 23, 2010 Read More

US economy could do worse than look to Canada for ideas

Say this very quietly to your American friends or read it with an open mind if you are yourself American; it might be time for the US to look to other nations for an improved economic model to assist the...

July 21, 2010 Read More

Postage costs increase again, evaluate how you interact with your donor base

A proposed increased in the US to raise the cost of a first class stamp from 44  cents to 46 cents might sound fairly insignificant on the surface but to smaller non-profits who are very reliant on mail campaigns it...

July 20, 2010 Read More

Non profit volunteerism increases as donations plateau

For many non-profits the economic waters over the last few years have been increasingly difficult to navigate,  increasing or even maintaining donorship can still result in reduced fundraising revenues due to the economic pinch that has impacted every cross section...

July 6, 2010 Read More

FIFA score CSR own goal in 2010 World Cup – part 1

It's the biggest sporting event on earth but when it comes to Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) the 2010 FIFA World Cup is failing to score goals. While FIFA are very proud (draconian?) about their management and organization of this summer's...

July 2, 2010 Read More

Corporate Social Responsibility, it starts with people

When reviewing trends in CSR - Corporate Social Responsibility it's fascinating to me to see the steady, gradual but constant shift of the needle towards participation. The concept of meshing company ideals and direction that are steered toward reaching goals...

June 10, 2010 Read More

Call centre logic, never sacrifice training and quality control

I'm a firm subscriber to the statement that 'history repeats itself' and its cousin quotation 'we can learn everything from history'. Both apply in equal measure whether you are looking at civilizations, politics, cultural fads or indeed economics. With such...

June 8, 2010 Read More

Has BP mismanaged their CSR down to the deepest depths?

We've looked at length at the value in a company developing an organized approach to CSR - Corporate Social Responsibility. The planning stages are as valuable as the implementation and maintenance of the projects, guidelines and practices you attune your...

June 3, 2010 Read More

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