
Meatless Monday with Mexican Lasagna

Happy Meatless Monday!  Break out the piñata and have a Mexican fiesta on the next Meatless Monday.  The cooks at Everyday Food have come up with an easy three step tasty Mexican-Style Lasagna. This new take on the Italian classic...

June 28, 2010 Read More

Fundraising slowdown in the Summer? here’s what to do…

The need for services, research and associated pledges is a year round one, so it's in sharp contrast that fundraising and campaigning often take the Summer months off. Habit has gradually become tradition as so many of the larger non-profits...

June 24, 2010 Read More

Ride For Heart 2010

We are excited to welcome and feature a guest contribution to the blog by Claudio Costantino. Claudio has been with the Miratel team for over 4 years serving as a part-time Project Manager. Claudio shares his experiences earlier this month...

June 22, 2010 Read More

Meatless Monday with Cheese Tortellini in Mushroom Sauce

Happy Meatless Monday! Do you have less than thirty minutes to get dinner on the table at the end of a hectic Monday? Does the task of making that meal meatless seem daunting? If so, how does twenty minutes and...

June 21, 2010 Read More

Inflation at 40 year lows, deflation now a ‘worry’ but is this really the case?

So often analysts look first to inflation when warning of the pitfalls of spikes in lending rates and premature celebration of a bounce back economically. Based on the most recent data the US should exhale and see that inflation won't...

June 18, 2010 Read More

Canadian CSR rankings shows CSR growth remains in full flight

Corporate Social Responsibilty (CSR) just like any other business initiative takes a continued application of resources and finances to maintain an active commitment to a corporate program. With that in mind there are concerns that the economic challenges of the...

June 17, 2010 Read More

Fundraising and Technology; at last a report that explains the partnership

The intense changes in technology over the last decade have unquestionably impacted the way we conduct business and our communication in general. Even as people are coming to terms with one new media the next is under development or already...

June 14, 2010 Read More

Meatless Monday with Eggplant-Ricotta Bake

Happy Meatless Monday!  Do you love eggplant? How about creamy ricotta cheese? If you answered yes to one or both of these questions then this is the recipe for you. The Martha Stewart approved chefs over at Everyday Food have...

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Corporate Social Responsibility, it starts with people

When reviewing trends in CSR - Corporate Social Responsibility it's fascinating to me to see the steady, gradual but constant shift of the needle towards participation. The concept of meshing company ideals and direction that are steered toward reaching goals...

June 10, 2010 Read More

Call centre logic, never sacrifice training and quality control

I'm a firm subscriber to the statement that 'history repeats itself' and its cousin quotation 'we can learn everything from history'. Both apply in equal measure whether you are looking at civilizations, politics, cultural fads or indeed economics. With such...

June 8, 2010 Read More

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