
Microsoft study shows CSR business benefits of working virtual

There are a large pool of factors that contribute to an overall CSR business strategy as you know. I think striking the right balance with your initiatives is crucial plus seeking out strategies that above all else make sense and...

March 23, 2012 Read More

Grassroots Advocacy & Word of Mouth Improves Nonprofit Fundraising

Over the past year I have written about many nonprofit fundraising and engagement channels that help nonprofits grow their donor and supporter base. With technology and social media constantly advancing, it’s easy to forget basic outreach tactics like face-to-face and...

March 22, 2012 Read More

You Can Play Project Teams LGBT Athletes and Straight Allies

Much attention has been paid recently to Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender (LGBT) youth and the inner and outer struggles they can endure growing up. There is no escaping the demons of bullying in 2012 but the enduring message is...

March 21, 2012 Read More

5 Tips to Effectively Use Pinterest for Nonprofit Fundraising and Engagement

Social media is always evolving and determining which new platform will advance nonprofit fundraising and engagement efforts can be intimidating for nonprofits. Each represents a unique approach and it’s a little daunting deciding what to incorporate into existing online marketing strategies and what...

March 20, 2012 Read More

Meatless Monday with Vegan Mujaddara

Hello and thanks for joining us for another Meatless Monday. Mirateltook the Meatless Monday pledge which aims to preserve the planet and its inhabitants by eliminating meat one day per week as one of its CSR business initiatives. Each week,...

March 19, 2012 Read More

Dare to Wear Love Brings Nonprofit Fundraising and Awareness to the Fashion Runway in Toronto

LG Fashion Week in Toronto is quickly approaching and thanks to the nonprofit fundraising runway show of Dare to Wear Love, there will be far more than glitz and glamour on display. Dare to Wear Love is the brain child...

March 16, 2012 Read More

Looking back at Nonprofit Fundraising According to the 2011 The Cygnus Donor Survey

I regularly write about current reports focused on many different aspects of nonprofit fundraising but I thought I’d do something a little different and cover a report, "The Cygnus Donor Survey - Where Philanthropy is Headed in 2011" which was...

March 15, 2012 Read More

H&M Expands CSR Business Efforts and Teams with Marni in support of Japan Relief

Retailer H&M is known for their collaborations with celebrity and designer brands, as well as their extensive CSR business values which they have incorporated into their latest collection. On March 8th, 2012 the international retailer launched a joint venture with...

March 14, 2012 Read More

6 Key Points from the 2012 Nonprofit Communications Trends Report

I cover many nonprofit fundraising reports, studies and surveys on this blog as they all lend unique perspectives into past, present and future trends which give nonprofits and those working in professional fundraising greater insight to apply to analysis and...

March 13, 2012 Read More

Meatless Monday with Simple Vegan Vegetable Curry

Hello and thanks for joining us for another Meatless Monday. Miratel took the Meatless Monday pledge which aims to preserve the planet and its inhabitants by eliminating meat one day per week as one of its CSR business initiatives. Each week,...

March 12, 2012 Read More

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