
Google’s renewable energy commitment continues to grow

Google aren't only one of the fastest growing and most profitable organizations in recent years but via a growing determination to raise their CSR standards they also look to be heading to becoming one of the most environmentally friendly also....

June 10, 2011 Read More

Some tips when blogging for your nonprofit

I've written extensively in the past about how to combine social media tips and tools to help raise the profile of your nonprofit to heighten awareness of your professional fundraising activities. While we have discussed the relative advantages of what...

June 8, 2011 Read More

Oil industry must be proactive not reactive when it comes to CSR

One would think that an integral piece of corporate social responsibility would be to display a proactive approach to internal affairs which concern safety and the environment. As I've written before the oil and gas industry has both higher inherent...

June 7, 2011 Read More

Meatless Monday with Grilled Quesadillas, Grilled Tomatoes and Fireman’s Corn

Happy Meatless Monday and welcome (back) to our blog. Miratel Solutions took the Meatless Monday pledge as part of our CSR business initiatives to support reducing meat consumption by 15% to improve personal health and the health of the planet....

June 6, 2011 Read More

Nonprofit fundraising technology tips – Twitter to launch photo and video sharing

I'm always seeing how innovations in social media can assist professional fundraising services so the newest upgrade from Twitter is an exciting step up. The use of social media to help connect with potential donors amongst nonprofit organizations has grown...

June 3, 2011 Read More

Toronto ranks 2nd in global City of Opportunity study by PwC

We've known for years that Toronto is an exceptional city in which to conduct business for a broad number of reasons. It provides our business  exceptional foundations in terms of talent, technology, access and quality of life that allows us...

June 1, 2011 Read More

CEO salary at nonprofit Blue Shield of California should cause alarm

Nonprofit organizations have been under the media microscope in recent years due to the relative efficiency of their professional fundraising activities. With the media scrutiny has come improved public awareness and that is only to be applauded, nonprofits should be...

May 31, 2011 Read More

Meatless Monday with Ancho Lentil Tacos

Welcome (back) to the blog and thank you for joining us for another Meatless Monday.  Miratel Solutions took the Meatless Monday pledge as part of our CSR business initiatives in support of reducing meat consumption by 15% to improve personal...

May 30, 2011 Read More

Energizer bunny ousted by new CSR friendly slogan

Changing a well known branding logo and marketing tagline is brave at the best of times, when it has proven to be one of the most successful for over twenty years it could be regarded as foolhardy but a well...

May 27, 2011 Read More

ExxonMobil investments to be reviewed by shareholders

Corporate Social Responsibility business standards are quite rightly moving to the forefront of active concerns amongst corporate shareholders. It's an extremely encouraging sign that those with a stake in corporations are demanding more transparency and detailed information about the current...

May 26, 2011 Read More

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