
Jumo early verdict – hit and miss

Now that Jumo have had a live beta version online for about a week the reviews are coming in from far and wide. Opinions range from the ecstatic to the unconvinced and in the middle many are taking a wait...

December 10, 2010 Read More

5 great timesavers for your nonprofit fundraising Twitter account

Using Twitter to help grow the networking capability of your nonprofit fundraising organization is a topic I've touched upon previously on the blog, for example this post about tagging/keyword reach and this one about creating a simple to use audio...

December 9, 2010 Read More

Our urban future and CSR in the year 2040

When looking at issues concerning CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) we tend to look at the present and near terms issues. How can companies modify their behaviour today and tomorrow to better integrate worker's rights, fair trade, sustainable practices and global...

December 8, 2010 Read More

What might a return of the estate tax mean for fundraising in the US?

Nonprofit fundraising in the US could be impacted most by a tax change coming up in 2011 in terms of giving amongst the wealthiest. A two year trend of reduced donations from those with the highest net worth may see...

December 7, 2010 Read More

Meatless Monday with Soba Noodles with Spicy Tofu Peanut Sauce

Hello and welcome to another Meatless Monday. As a green call centre, we support the Meatless Monday movement in support of reducing meat consumption to improve personal and planetary health. Today we bring you a recipe from that is...

December 6, 2010 Read More

World Cup awards to Russia, Qatar contradict any sense of CSR

If you happen to follow football (soccer) then today marks a special day on the calendar as the host nations for the World Cup in 2018 and 2022 were both announced. I've written before about how CSR is now naturally...

December 3, 2010 Read More

As nonprofit fundraising enters the holiday season, a new survey projects results

As the calendar turns to December in many cases nonprofit fundraising enters into its most critical time of the year as the season of goodwill usually reflects in-kind with increased donations received by nonprofits. Many nonprofits receive as much as...

December 2, 2010 Read More

AFP’s Congress 2010 begins today in Toronto and Miratel is pleased to be a sponsor

We are involved in providing fundraising services all year round and we are extremely excited and honoured to be taking part in this week's Congress 2010 -  the premier gathering of the Association of Fundraising Professionals (AFP) here in Toronto....

November 30, 2010 Read More

Meatless Monday with Chickpea Picatta

As a green call centre, we support the Meatless Monday movement in support of reducing meat consumption to improve personal and planetary health. Today we have an amazing take on a classic Italian dish from Post Punk Kitchen. This recipe...

November 29, 2010 Read More

Harris Poll indicates fundraising slowly turning round

Professional fundraising is facing new and different challenges in the US according to a new Harris poll of more than 2500 adults surveyed in September. The impact of an economy that continues to struggle to find solid footing after three...

November 26, 2010 Read More

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