Nonprofits Can Improve Social Media Engagement with Global Social Media Check-Up 2012 Report

I have been writing a Social Media Summer Series for nonprofit fundraising and engagement and while researching, I came across The Third Annual Global Social Media Check-Up report by Burson-Marstellar. This report analyzes how Fortune Global 100 companies are adapting to the ever-changing and fast-paced world of Social Media. When the report was first launched in 2010 most of the Fortune Global 100 that form part of the study were simply broadcasting messages to their consumer base. In 2011, they took the social media platforms they were active in a step further and engaged with consumers. Today the comfort level of using these platforms has grown exponentially to the point where platforms are being used in a variety of ways.

Nonprofits can benefit from the results of this study as a guide on how to implement or refine their own social media marketing initiatives to advance supporter engagement. The report identifies five main trends and areas in which social media has advanced:

  1. Twitter. Of all the 10.4 million mentions of the Fortune Global 100 across the various social media networks, 53.8% occurred on Twitter. 82% of the companies researched had Twitter accounts. When it comes to Twitter, it’s the quickest and most compact platform for brands and consumers alike to get a message across. Nonprofits can similarly engage donors and supporters and effectively use this platform to expand your reach. As part of my Social Media Series, I wrote about 6 Twitter User Insights to Increase Nonprofit Fundraising & Engagement and 4 Creative Ways Nonprofits Can Use Twitter to Engage & Communicate because despite its short 140 character message, it is a great platform that is versatile and can have significant
  2. YouTube. The fastest growing social media platform, the number of Fortune Global 100 with a branded YouTube channel has grown 22% within one year (from 57% to 79%). Since each of these channels averages 2 million views, it is clearly a medium that is overshadowing most other types of marketing initiatives and one that nonprofits should really be considering to incorporate into their overall marketing plans. I recently wrote about 6 Ways to Maximize Online Video Marketing for Nonprofit Fundraising Appeals and Supporter Engagement and previous to that, I wrote 8 Types of Online Videos to Help Increase Supporter Engagement and Nonprofit Fundraising and 6 Steps to Producing Successful On-Screen Nonprofit Videos. Now is the time to start planning video marketing strategies, to ensure that you are staying a step ahead and reaching a demographic that is gravitating towards being engaged via this medium.
  3. Engagement. Corporations are seeing the value of social media. However, the Fortune Global 100 are not utilizing these platforms to sell or directly promote their products or services but instead are using them to engage new and existing consumers. 79% are engaging through re-tweets and @mentions on Twitter, 70% respond to comments on walls and timelines and a whopping 93% update their Facebook profile. Actively participating on the platforms requires time and patience and improved fundraising results will not occur overnight. Engagement is the main objective of any social media initiative and active fundraising or appeals must be a second consideration. As part of my series, I wrote that engagement was one of 6 Facebook Considerations for Nonprofit Fundraising and Outreach.
  4. Multiple Accounts. The Fortune Global 100 on average have more than 10 Twitter and Facebook accounts, mainly to focus on a specific product or service a specific geographical area. As some nonprofits may have limited financial and human resources to lend, this may not always be possible. However, as I mentioned in my post 6 Twitter Setup Tips for Nonprofit Fundraising, nonprofits would be well served assembling a Twitter “army”. Similarly another approach is to disseminate Twitter and Facebook accounts to your “army” based on different appeal or regional programs. But as your social media networks grow, so does the need for multiple accounts that service a particular need within your donor and supporter communities.
  5. Newer Platforms. As new platforms emerge and provide a unique way to engage, Fortune Global 100 companies are leading the way in creating and maintaining a presence on these networks. 48% of the researched companies have a presence on Google+, while 25% were pinning on Pinterest. Often nonprofits can be hesitant of adding yet another social media platform onto their roster of networks, however it can be very beneficial as it may engage a new demographic that might not otherwise be reached. In the coming weeks, I will cover these other platforms as I continue my Social Media Summer series. Some may be worth the effort while others may not.

Often nonprofits are challenged with keeping up with the ever-changing and fast-paced world of social media. However, it is research of this nature that analyzes how corporations are establishing and maintaining their presence on these networks and that paves the way for nonprofits to follow suit and not fall behind. This is a very informative report and you can read the summary of the research, or the infographic or the presentation.

I will continue with my social media summer series next week but you can browse all the posts to date in my Social Media Summer Series for nonprofits which includes features on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin and Online Video Marketing.


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Miratel Solutions is a Toronto call centreeBusiness, and letter shop mail house specializing in professional fundraising services including telephone fundraisingonline fundraisinglottery servicesdonation cagingdonation processing and other donor management services. We are committed to our CSR business values in all contact centre services and mail house operations and advancing the missions of the nonprofits we proudly serve.

One response to “Nonprofits Can Improve Social Media Engagement with Global Social Media Check-Up 2012 Report”

  1. 10 Website Tips to Maximize Nonprofit Fundraising and – Miratel | says:

    […] Integrate your social activity on your site wherever possible and encourage viral sharing.  The Third Annual Global Social Media Check-Up gives additional […]

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