30 Top Green Organizations in Canada According to Employee Engagement

Miratel takes its CSR business values, which includes our green initiatives, very serious. Being a smaller business, we are somewhat limited in comparison to the gestures of larger corporations, but we believe all our efforts are equally important to the greater good and we draw inspiration from other like-minded companies. In fact, we often write about their accomplishments by featuring different rankings and reports here on the blog.csr-business-green-30-canada

I have written about the Top 50 Canadian CSR Business List, Top Diversity Employers in Canada 2012 and even the Top 500 Global Green Rankings which included 19 Canadian Companies. Last week I published the 55 Greenest Canadian Employers in 2012 and today’s post is Canada’s “Green 30” which was released by Aon Hewitt, a human capital consulting and outsourcing solutions provider. Aon Hewitt surveyed “over 112,000 employees at more than 261 organizations regarding their employers’ commitment to environmental stewardship” and the “Green 30” reflects “organizations whose employees are most positive about their record on environmental stewardship”.

As Miratel is just preparing to release our first Sustainability Report, we found this employee engagement ranking particularly interesting. Part of the reporting process included conducting an Employee Engagement survey which focused on employee perception of our green initiatives and the results were eye-opening in that they revealed there was room for improvement. Of all the findings, that is the one we found the most hard-hitting and immediately began tabling action plans to improve those results.

According to the survey conducted by Aon Hewitt, the “Green 30 are more likely to implement practices and programs to support and reinforce their commitment to environmental stewardship, as the following table demonstrates”:


The entire list of the “Green 30” is below and includes companies from various industries and sectors (they appear in alphabetical order):

The Green 30 list appears in the May 7 issue of Maclean’s magazine.The benefits of an engaged workforce in general are far-reaching as the trickle down includes improved productivity and retention amongst other benefits. In terms of employee engagement regarding green initiatives, it is the staff that will bring the policies and mandates to life. A company can go to great green lengths but if the employees don’t abide, know or care then the intended impact will miss the mark.

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Miratel Solutions is a Toronto call centre, eBusiness, and letter shop mail house specializing in professional fundraising services including telephone fundraising, online fundraising, lottery services, donation caging, donation processing and other donor management services. We are committed to our CSR business values in all contact centre services and mail house operations and advancing the missions of the nonprofits we proudly serve.

3 responses to “30 Top Green Organizations in Canada According to Employee Engagement”

  1. Best CSR Business Rankings from Miratel Blog - Green Conduct says:

    […] 50 Canadian CSR Business List Top Diversity Employers in Canada 2012 55 Greenest Canadian Employers 30 Top Green Organizations in Canada According to Employee Engagement Top 500 Global Green Rankings Best 50 Corporate Citizens in Canada in […]

  2. […] and its corporations fairs on related lists like the 50 Best Corporate Citizens in Canada 2012, the 30 Top Green Organizations in Canada According to Employee Engagement, the 55 Greenest Canadian Employers 2012, the 50 Top Diversity Employers in Canada 2012, the Top […]

  3. […] 30 Top Green Organizations in Canada […]

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