Excellent Customer Service? It’s what we do….

If you have ever worked in the call center industry you’ll relate to what I’m about to write, if you haven’t I still recommend you digest what I have to say. Customer relationship agents employed in call centers work hard, they provide exceptional customer service to hundreds of contacts every single week. They provide the same care and dedication to the first person they speak to as they do to the last person at the end of a long and tiring shift. They use their personality, their experience, their innovation and their communication skills every single day. They look to provide solutions and assistance and are the best representatives you could hope to have for your company. They bring the right combination of effort and attitude and wrap it up in a box marked consistency. It’s not always the easiest or most rewarding job there is but I think it might be the most misrepresented. Bringing your ‘game-face’ to 40,50,60,70 contacts per day every day takes dedication and resolve, to be successful you have to enjoy speaking to people and have good communication skills.

So how do I know this? Because I’ve seen it every day during my time working in call centers, I’ve spoken with staff about what it takes to be aton track your best every day. You probably noticed I used the word ‘contacts’ above and that’s what the best agent remembers during every conversation,  it is all about making contact with someone. It doesn’t matter if you are a helpline, an order line, or a fundraising line, every call is a chance to make a contact with someone else. Good listening skills, empathy, proactive methods, training and experience allow every contact to be a positive one for our clients. Whether you’ve called us or we are contacting you the goal is always for the experience to be positive, for the contact to best represent our clients and enhance their reputation with their customers.

If you’ve not worked at a call center you probably only ever hear the nightmare stories, “This guy put me on hold seven times”, “Some girl had no idea what she was doing”, “Why does it take 25 minutes to get the help I need”. Call centers are a bit like restaurants, there are bad agents out there and we don’t let them represent our customers. You only hear about the tiny percentage of calls that don’t go well, do you ever hear about the 99.9% of calls that are handled with confidence, professionalism and personality? When was the last time you played golf and your partner said “I called the cable company last night and they we so helpful and patient, I wish my own kids were that polite” ? It’s the same with restaurants we only hear about the bad experiences, not the fact that most restaurants provide excellent service and good food essentially all of the time.

So next time you work with a call center agent, tell your friends how positive the experience was. Our staff would love to help you again next time.

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