Giving USA 2012 Annual Report Reveals Slight Nonprofit Fundraising Growth in 2011

The nonprofit sector has access to many studies and reports conducted by industry professionals that provide insight and relevant data on the state of nonprofit fundraising. Recently Giving USA released its Annual Report on Philanthropy for the Year 2011. Researched and written by The Center on Philanthropy at Indiana University, this edition of the report covers philanthropic activity in the U.S. across 10 nonprofit subsectors throughout 2011 and compares results to the previous 2010 year.

“…Americans are feeling better about their personal financial situations […] and, they feel philanthropy remains a core value worthy to support.” Annual Report on Philanthropy for the year 2011 FOREWARD.

While the economy has had a significant impact in fundraising growth, it’s encouraging that donors continue to be generous with donations despite the slow economic turn. This is certainly evident in the results of the report, giving nonprofits the confidence that even through turbulent times, that fundraising goals can still be reached.

overall-nonprofit-fundraising-giving-usa-2012The report certainly reflects what other industry statistics like the Blackbaud Index have revealed in the past, that there has been moderate growth when comparing results dollar for dollar in overall giving. However, this report also includes results that factor in inflation making the results not as strong comparatively speaking. Making it further challenging for nonprofits is that they also must contend with the rising costs of supplying products and services, as well as operational and administrative costs. Unfortunately, we are not in the clear of economic uncertainty and need to proceed with caution. The following are some highlights of this year’s report:

  • Overall charitable giving rose by 4.0% in 2011. When factoring in inflation, 2011 results were on par with 2010 with an increase of only 0.9%
  • Bequests had the largest increase and factors for 8% of overall contributions. There has also been a slight decline in corporate giving and when inflation is factored, results show a decline of -3.1%
  •   8 out of 10 subsectors saw an increase in giving, with International Affairs having the biggest jump of 7.6% and religion based charities and foundations seeing an overall decrease.annual-report-nonprofit-fundraising-giving-usa-2012

Overall 2011 had stronger results compared to previous years as there has been growth for 2 consecutive years. Unfortunately, we still have not reached the same donor revenue seen since before the recession in 2005 and 2006. Growth has been steady and all indications point towards a healthier 2012 provided the economic climate continues to improve.

As the longest running philanthropy report of its kind in the U.S., statistical information has been now compiled for 57 years. This information is certainly valuable and demonstrates the growth and activity that our sector has experienced throughout the decades and ultimately helps in assessing past and current trends of the American fundraising landscape.

The free Executive Summary can be downloaded at The full report is also available for purchase via this same link. Registration is required for both requests.


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Miratel Solutions is a Toronto call centre, eBusiness, and letter shop mail house specializing in professional fundraising services including telephone fundraising, online fundraising, lottery services, donation caging, donation processing and other donor management services. We are committed to our CSR business values in all contact centre services and mail house operations and advancing the missions of the nonprofits we proudly serve.

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  1. » Giving USA 2012 Annual Report Reveals Slight Nonprofit Fundraising Growth in 2011 « Cannonball Charity Communications says:

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